How Additive Drives’ 3D Printed Motors Could Transform the EV Industry with Superior Efficiency


Advanced ultra-efficient electric motor made with 3D printing [Source: Additive Drives]

An interesting development has occurred in the automotive sector that could drive adoption of 3D printing.

EV Tech Insider’s interview with Additive Drives, a German startup 3D printing EV motors, reveals how 3D printing can be used to great advantage in the automotive industry.

What’s the big deal? It seems that Additive Drives has discovered how to properly leverage the near-complete design freedom provided by 3D print technology. They have designed unique geometries that provide the same or better function with less weight. In the interview, they explain:

“There have already been attempts to print complete motors in the past, all of which failed due to the high costs and, in some cases, poorer efficiency than a conventional electric motor. We differentiate between the sheet metal packages, conductor structures, and the housing. For example, it can make sense to print a housing because a special geometry helps to optimize cooling. Aluminum alloys are usually used here. The material development of copper and aluminum is now so advanced that the printed materials can have better material properties than, for example, a drawn copper wire, as cold forming no longer takes place.”

They’ve used this to produce electric motors that have 45% higher power densities than motors made with conventional methods.

They’ve also been able to reduce AC losses by 50%, and also save energy by up to 50%.

These statistics might not mean much until you realize how much more efficient EVs could be. In fact, Additive Drives’ motors are approaching levels that would enable financially feasible electric aviation.

At present, the company specializes in the creation of bespoke motors tailored for specific projects and applications, including Formula E. They are also collaborating with several large Electric Vehicle (EV) manufacturers to develop future products.

I find this particularly fascinating as it could herald a major shift in the EV industry.

Some readers may remember a time not long ago when only a few dominant industries had adopted additive manufacturing, with the aviation industry being one of them. This all changed when General Electric (GE) pioneered the introduction of a new engine featuring a significant number of 3D printed components. This made the engine lighter, more manageable, and entailed other benefits.

This innovation spurred the aerospace industry to take a more critical look at 3D printing technology, examining its potential applications across other products and components. Subsequently, there’s been a surge in the use of 3D printed items in this sector, as each player tries to stay abreast of the technological advancements.

Could the innovative designs from Additive Drives spark a similar revolution in the realm of electric vehicles? Judging by the specifications, it’s conceivable that the advances may also spill over into the aerospace industry.

It appears we may be standing at the precipice of a fresh wave of growth in the additive manufacturing industry.

Via EV Tech Insider and Additive Drives

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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