How well do Adidas 3D Printed Midsoles hold up after a year of use?


I have been absolutely fascinated by 3D printing ever since I was a teenager back in 2014. The idea that we could create objects from scratch using a printer was mind-blowing to me. And as soon as I heard about 3D printed shoes, I knew I had to get my hands on a pair.

Fast forward to 2021, and I finally had the opportunity to try out the adidas 4DFWD line, which features a 3D printed midsole. I was beyond excited to see how well these shoes would hold up in my everyday life.

First impressions of the 4DFWD shoes were amazing. The intricate lattice of the midsole and the breathable fabric made them incredibly comfortable. Unlike other shoes I had worn in the past, these adidas shoes provided the perfect amount of support for my feet and even helped alleviate my back pain. My wife even noticed that I was standing straighter when wearing them.

In comparison, when I tried wearing my old New Balance shoes, the back pain returned and my feet felt uncomfortable. It was clear that the 4DFWD shoes were in a league of their own when it came to comfort and support.

One of the most impressive aspects of the 4DFWD shoes is their durability. Despite being subjected to all kinds of harsh conditions like mud, sand, snow, and even Arizona’s scorching hot asphalt, the 3D printed midsoles held up incredibly well. Aside from some discoloration, they looked just as good as the day I purchased them. This is particularly impressive considering I am a bigger guy and put more weight on the shoes than the average person.

However, I did notice one issue with the shoes—the outer fabric was degrading. In fact, in some areas, it was falling apart and I had to use glue to hold it together. This was disappointing to see, especially considering how well the 3D printed midsoles were holding up.

Another downside to the 3D printed lattice design is that it makes washing the shoes a bit tricky. When I would go to sandy environments, particles would often get trapped inside the lattice and were difficult to clean out.

Finally, the biggest drawback of the 4DFWD shoes is their cost. Paying over $200 for a pair of shoes is not something I typically do, and it’s especially frustrating when they only last for a year. I understand that the 3D printing process is still relatively new and costly, but it’s still a significant investment for consumers.

All in all, I am incredibly impressed with the collaboration between adidas and Carbon to create the 4DFWD shoe line. The comfort and support that the 3D printed midsoles provide are unmatched, and their durability is truly impressive. However, the degradation of the outer fabric and the high cost are major drawbacks. I hope that as 3D printing technology advances, we will see improvements in these areas, making 3D printed shoes more accessible and long-lasting for consumers.

A Revolutionary Advancement in Mass Production

When it comes to mass production, efficiency and cost are often the key factors that determine its success. As we delve into the world of 3D printing, we are met with a groundbreaking technology that brings forth a new era of manufacturing possibilities.

But let’s not overlook the challenges that come with this cutting-edge technique. The machines and resins required for 3D printing are undeniably expensive. Furthermore, the software and computational power needed to generate intricate designs and strong supportive lattices add to the overall costs. However, as the scale of production continues to rise, we can expect the pricing to gradually decrease.

Despite these hurdles, one aspect that needs improvement is the durability of the fabric used for the uppers and connection to the 3D printed midsoles. Until the price of production lowers and the fabric’s durability increases, the 4DFWD line of shoes may be seen as more of a novelty for most consumers.

However, from personal experience, I can confidently say that my overall satisfaction with the shoes has been unparalleled. The level of comfort and performance they offer is truly exceptional. In fact, I was so impressed that I ended up ordering another pair for myself.

[Image by author]

As we eagerly await advancements in the 3D printing industry, it is essential to stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments. By doing so, we can not only witness the evolution of this revolutionary manufacturing process but also explore the exciting opportunities it brings.

Be sure to keep an eye out for more updates from the world of 3D printing, as well as exclusive information and offers from our trusted partner vendors.

[Stay tuned for more exciting content!]

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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