Hyliion Utilizes 3D Printing to Boost KARNO Generator Production


Hyliion Holdings Corp, a leader in the field of sustainable electricity generation technology, has commenced the 3D printing of parts for the final production design of its KARNO generator (BETA). With a foundation set on a linear heat generator structure, this fuel-independent solution aims at achieving a fuel efficiency of up to 50%, greatly reducing maintenance costs, and presenting a lower emission profile compared to conventional generators.

The KARNO generator has the capability to operate on more than 20 different types of fuel, including but not limited to hydrogen, natural gas, propane, ammonia and traditional fuels. This key asset was acquired by Hyliion from GE Additive in August 2022. Its strategic inclusion into the Hypertruck powertrain platform positions it as a groundbreaking, fuel-agnostic semi-truck solution.

The company emphasizes the importance of utilizing additive manufacturing for essential heat exchangers and thermodynamic systems within the KARNO generator. According to them, this method significantly enhances accuracy, guarantees superior quality components, and positively contributes to the overall improvement of efficiency.

“We are thrilled to begin printing the production-intent design of the KARNO generator, showcasing another major step on our path to deploying this technology with customers,” said Thomas Healy, Founder and CEO of Hyliion.

The initial 200 kW BETA units will undergo testing at the Cincinnati, Ohio, development facility to validate superior efficiency, ultra-low emissions, and extended runtime between maintenance.

Hyliion’s successful completion of designs for major BETA components signifies readiness for final validation. Throughout 2024, the company will conduct rigorous testing and verification to prepare for the initial deployment of the BETA generator to early adopters later this year.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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