In early 2024, 3DM plans to launch groundbreaking SLS 3D printers.


read the original blog post, you can find it [here](link to the original blog post).

Hello readers! Today, we have an exciting topic to discuss – additive manufacturing and its impact on larger-scale production. As technology continues to evolve, industries are constantly seeking more efficient and effective ways to produce their products. One of the most promising methods in this regard is selective laser sintering (SLS) in polymer 3D printing.

SLS has gained recognition for its ability to create multiple parts on the same powder bed, making it ideal for industrial production. However, like any other technology, it has its limitations, particularly when it comes to sintering for powder materials. Enter 3DM, a startup that aims to address these challenges and enhance the benefits of SLS.

3DM has been developing its own innovative technology that promises high resolution, fine details, and the possibility for high-volume production. By utilizing their proprietary Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL), they have overcome the limitations of traditional lasers, allowing for optimal melting behavior of thermoplastics. This means that their technology can unlock the full potential of any material, making it highly versatile.

The company’s new printers are set to launch for testing in 2024, and the anticipation is high. SLS 3D printing has been steadily growing in popularity, and the market is projected to reach a whopping $1.438 billion by 2027. However, to truly challenge established processes and drive further growth in additive manufacturing, innovation is crucial.

By introducing their groundbreaking technology, 3DM aims to revolutionize SLS 3D printing. Their printers, although not fully confirmed in terms of specifications, offer a glimpse into what we can expect. With the ability to combine four beam heads, target different wavelengths simultaneously, and maintain optimal build temperature, these printers are poised to deliver impressive results.

The applications of 3DM’s technology are vast, ranging from consumer goods to medical fields, transportation, and services. Customization, material flexibility, and superior properties make it suitable for a wide range of industries. Moreover, 3DM welcomes the exploration of new materials for high-volume production, showcasing their commitment to innovation and growth.

In conclusion, additive manufacturing is on the rise, and SLS 3D printing is at the forefront of this revolution. 3DM’s innovative technology has the potential to redefine the industry and unlock new possibilities. As early adopters of this technology, we can expect significant advancements in various sectors and an array of exciting applications.

If you want to dive deeper into this topic, you can read the original blog post [here](link to the original blog post). Stay tuned for more updates on 3DM’s journey and the future of additive manufacturing.

If you’re interested in knowing more about the upcoming printer rollout by 3DM or if you’re looking to be an early adopter, you should definitely reach out to them. They have all the information you need and will be happy to assist you. It’s quite exciting to think about what 3DM has in store for us with their printer rollout in early 2024.

Are you considering becoming an early tester for this technology? We would love to hear your thoughts on it. Share your opinions in the comment section below or interact with us on our social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. We value your feedback, and it helps us to improve and provide better services.

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You can also find a wealth of information and tutorials on our YouTube channel. We upload regular videos that cover various aspects of 3D printing. Make sure to check them out and learn more about this incredible technology.

Lastly, we want to give credit where it’s due. All the photos used in this blog post belong to 3DM. They have done a fantastic job capturing the essence of their products and showcasing them in the best light possible.

So, if you’re interested in the printer rollout or want to be an early adopter, get in touch with 3DM today! Exciting things are coming, and you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity.

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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