Innovative 3D printing empowers the kayak maker to navigate through large-scale production.


Melker of Sweden: Revolutionizing Kayak Development with 3D Printing

When it comes to developing a new product, companies often rely on prototypes to determine its viability in the market. At Melker of Sweden, a leading sport kayak maker, they have taken this process to new heights by utilizing 3D printing technology to create full-size prototypes of their kayaks. This innovative approach has significantly reduced their product development timeline and costs, allowing them to stay ahead of the competition.

Traditionally, developing a kayak involved designing a computer model and then creating an expensive metal mold into which plastic is injected to form the first prototype. This process not only requires substantial investment but also generates a significant amount of plastic waste. Moreover, any changes or updates to the design necessitate the creation of additional molds and prototypes, prolonging the development phase.

In contrast, 3D printing enables Melker of Sweden to produce multiple prototypes at a fraction of the cost and time required for traditional manufacturing methods. Instead of relying on external suppliers, they have the option to 3D print the prototypes in-house or utilize local 3D printing services. This flexibility allows for iterative design and prototyping, ensuring that the final product meets their exact specifications.

What sets Melker of Sweden apart is their commitment to sustainability. While 3D printing multiple plastic prototypes may seem counterintuitive in terms of environmental impact, they have found a way to minimize waste. The company sources their polymer from off-cast fishing nets, which are then infused with wood fiber, a byproduct of the Swedish lumber industry. Additionally, the first prototype is ground up and used as material for subsequent iterations.

This sustainable approach extends beyond the prototyping stage. Even the final Melker kayaks are manufactured using mostly bio-based materials, including natural flax fibers and cork, through injection molding. It is a testament to the company’s mission to make the outdoor hardware industry more eco-friendly.

Although sustainability might not be at the forefront of American consumers’ minds, Melker of Sweden believes that this mindset is shifting. CEO & Creative Director Pelle Stafshede anticipates that within a few years, consumers worldwide will prioritize sustainable products. In line with this vision, Melker of Sweden aims to incorporate 100% plant-based materials into their entire line of kayaks, making them completely recyclable.

Inspired by their market research in North America, Melker designers set out to create a new kayak model called the Värmdö. This recreational kayak is wider, shorter, and more lightweight than their traditional sea kayaks. It has also been designed with enhanced comfort features, such as extra padding and a customizable-fit cockpit. While the idea of adding cup holders was considered, the focus remained on functionality and durability.

The North American market presents a significant opportunity for Melker of Sweden, given its size and projected growth in kayak sales. With the rising popularity of adventure sports and water activities, kayaking competitions, in particular, are driving demand for high-quality products. Stafshede believes that the design, sustainability story, and longevity of the Värmdö will set the Melker brand apart from the competition in this market.

The 3D printing technology utilized by Melker of Sweden for their Värmdö prototypes is akin to the desktop versions hobbyists use. However, the company employs an industrial-scale version known as robotic arm additive manufacturing. This process involves extruding melted plastic layer by layer, resulting in a durable and high-quality prototype.

Melker of Sweden’s use of 3D printing technology has revolutionized their product development approach. By leveraging this innovative technology, they have streamlined their process, reduced costs, and increased sustainability. The Värmdö kayak, brought to life through 3D printing, represents Melker’s commitment to delivering exceptional products that stand the test of time. As they continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what is possible, the future looks bright for Melker of Sweden and the sport kayak industry as a whole.

Revolutionizing Manufacturing with 3D Printing

In the world of manufacturing, traditional methods have long dominated the industry. But as technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, there is a new player in town: 3D printing. This innovative technology has the potential to revolutionize the way products are made, offering a faster, more customizable, and cost-effective alternative to traditional manufacturing processes.

One company that is at the forefront of this revolution is Melker of Sweden. Founded by avid outdoorsman Johan Stafshede, Melker specializes in manufacturing high-quality kayaks. However, what sets them apart is their use of 3D printing to create their products.

Instead of using molds and manual labor, Melker utilizes a robotic arm with a nozzle and a hopper filled with material to 3D print their kayaks. The digital file dictates the path that the robotic arm follows, resulting in a precise and efficient manufacturing process.

While Melker does not have its own 3D printers just yet, they have partnered with the Research Institute of Sweden (RISE), which provides them with access to state-of-the-art equipment and skilled engineers. It is an investment that Stafshede believes is worth it, even though Melker pays for the access.

What makes 3D printing particularly appealing for Melker is its affordability. Despite not receiving government funding, their 3D-printed prototypes cost only a fraction of what traditional manufacturing would demand. This cost-effectiveness is a game-changer, especially considering that large-scale 3D printing services are still relatively limited, and the equipment is only produced by a handful of companies.

To integrate 3D printing into their process, Melker uses extruder heads from companies like U.S.-based Massive Dimension or Canadian Dyze Design, which easily fit onto standard robotic arms such as those from Kuka or ABB. Additionally, turnkey systems are available from 3D printer makers like Caracol and CEAD. The software that controls the printing process can either be obtained from the robotic arm manufacturers or specialized 3D printing companies like Ai Build and Adaxis.

In 2023, Melker achieved a significant milestone by bringing all their manufacturing operations to Sweden. However, their long-term goal is to establish production facilities in North America within the next five to ten years. By combining 3D printers with traditional manufacturing processes, Melker aims to offer easy customization and local production to meet the needs of their customers.

For now, while 3D printing is primarily utilized for prototyping, Stafshede envisions a future where it becomes the go-to manufacturing method. He believes that once the technology and materials mature, 3D printing will enable mass customization and local production, ultimately benefiting both the company and the environment.

Melker’s philosophy revolves around innovation, design, research, and development as long-term investments. They are committed to producing the best products not just for their company, but for future generations and the preservation of the great outdoors.

In conclusion, Melker of Sweden is at the forefront of revolutionizing manufacturing with 3D printing. By embracing this cutting-edge technology, they are paving the way for a more efficient, cost-effective, and customizable future in the manufacturing industry. With their dedication to innovation and sustainability, Melker is determined to make a positive impact on the planet, one kayak at a time.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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