Innovative Breakthrough: Australia’s First 3D Printed Home in the Southern Hemisphere by Luyten


The 3D printing construction sector continues to make waves around the world, with recent projects cropping up in the news from Denmark, Japan, and the Caribbean, among others. This time, news of 3D printed concrete constructions comes to us from the land down under, where 3D printing company Luyten has announced plans to develop a 3D printed home in Melbourne, Australia in cooperation with the University of New South Wales (UNSW). One notable aspect of this upcoming project is that this new, additive manufactured house will be the first owner-occupied 3D printed home in the southern hemisphere.

The cooperative effort brings together the construction and 3D printing apparatus of Luyten’s line of Platypus 3D construction printers, which utilizes artificial intelligence to manufacture large-scale construction 3D printing with specialized concrete. Meanwhile, the research group from UNSW known as Arch_Manu (Next-Gen Architectural Manufacturing) provides design expertise for the construction while also compiling the data from the project to help create new standards for 3D printed construction projects in Australia.

UNSW Arch_Manu director, Professor M. Hank Haeusler hailed the partnership, stating, “This will be a lighthouse project for 3D printing in Australia, encompassing state-of-the-art research in design and technology and bringing research findings into practice. It will change Australian housing.”

Ahmed Mahil, CEO and co-founder of Luyten also commented on the project, explaining, “Our partnership with UNSW will involve working together to document and provide a tangible proof of concept for the advantages of 3D printing, such as superior design and project management. […] The project will provide the world with a leading example of why 3D printing technology is providing the next frontier in sustainable and affordable housing.”

Indeed, just as is the case with other 3D printed construction projects, there is a great deal to be saved in terms of construction costs, build time, amount of resources used and greenhouse gas emissions in comparison to standard construction methods. One notable area of savings is eliminating the need to useconcrete formworks.

The 3D printed home, which is planned for construction in Melbourne in early 2024, is meant to demonstrate the advanced technologies and benefits which come from this new method of construction manufacturing. “The design not only demonstrates the versatility and flexibility of 3D printing capability; it also captures the stunning architectural advantages of computational design and architectural manufacturing technology and the ability to create extraordinary spaces for a fraction of the cost,” explains Mr. Mahil. For more information about this upcoming project, and to learn more about Luyten projects in Australia, the U.S. and beyond, visit their website HERE.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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