Introducing Back Care: The 3D Printed Support Customized for Every Body Type


Who hasn’t experienced back pain due to poor posture or uncomfortable seating? What if we told you that 3D printing, combined with artificial intelligence, could solve this problem? That’s the idea behind Alemki Robotix, a start-up that’s not yet well known on the market: it has developed a tailor-made back support called Back Care, manufactured using its robotic arm and algorithms. From a simple photo of the person’s body, it can produce a unique back support entirely customized to the user’s morphology. For the moment, the project is on Kickstarter, with the official campaign due to start very soon.

It all starts with the 3D Avatar Body mobile application, which enables 3D digitization of the human body directly via a smartphone. Developed in collaboration with the Institute of Biomechanics, this solution is based on artificial intelligence and is capable of providing a highly detailed set of data from just two images. From these, the application creates a 3D model that serves as the basis for the production of the 3D-printed back support.

Before printing, the young company scrupulously analyzes the anatomy and structure of the back, using algorithms and parametric modeling. This enables them to design a more ergonomic, comfortable, and effective support. Once the 3D model is ready, it is sent to the 3D printer, which uses plastic granules. 50% of these granules are derived from recycled plastic water bottles. Layer by layer, the back support is manufactured using the Alemki Robotix robotic arm.

Furthermore, “Trigger Point Switches” can be added to the back support. These are buttons, adjusted to be either hard or soft depending on personal preferences, that can be moved to the most painful areas of the back or neck. The aim is to provide support where the user needs it most. The Back Care comes with a fastening belt, so you can hang it on your office chair, in your car or simply place it on the floor to lie on. A leather version is also available – the most expensive yet.

No more backache or uncomfortable sitting positions! Discover the project HERE and choose the solution that suits you best! And don’t forget that each support can also be customized in terms of color.

What do you think of this 3D-printed back support? Let us know in a comment below or on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter pages! Don’t forget to sign up for our free weekly Newsletter here, the latest 3D printing news straight to your inbox! You can also find all our videos on our YouTube channel.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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