Introducing EOS’s latest addition to their metal 3D printer lineup, the M 300-4, equipped with high-performance copper printing capabilities.


EOS, the popular 3D printing company, recently announced the release of their new metal 3D printer, the EOS M 300-4. The M 300-4 is part of EOS’s M-series, known for its large metal printers. The name of the printer provides some insight into its capabilities. The “M” indicates that it is a metal 3D printer, while the “300” refers to its impressive build volume of 300 x 300 x 400 mm. This means that the printer can handle a wide range of moderately sized metal objects or collections of smaller objects.

What’s interesting about the M 300-4 is that it is equipped with four lasers, each delivering 1kW of energy to the build chamber. These lasers work in parallel to decrease print times. While having four lasers doesn’t necessarily make the printer four times faster, it does significantly reduce print durations. The M 300-4 can produce up to 555 cubic centimeters of material per hour, with layer sizes as small as 0.08mm. To give you an idea of what that means, that’s equivalent to a solid metal cube measuring over 80mm on each side.

When it comes to the materials that the M 300-4 supports, the choices are quite intriguing. At launch, the printer will support AlSi10Mg, an aluminum alloy commonly used in the aerospace and automotive industries for parts with thin walls and complex geometries. The other material supported is copper, including copper alloys. Printing copper presents some challenges due to its reflective nature and high thermal conductivity. For years, copper was considered difficult to print on a 3D printer, but EOS has engineered the M 300-4 to handle the unique properties of copper and its alloys.

While the initial material choices are limited, EOS has stated that they plan to expand the material portfolio based on customer demand. The M 300-4 is expected to find applications in industries such as aviation, energy, government, defense, and mobility/transportation that utilize AlSi10Mg and copper/copper alloys.

Unfortunately, pricing information for the M 300-4 has not been released yet. However, EOS claims that it offers the best cost-per-volume for the aluminum alloy market. The printer is set to be shipped in February of next year.

Overall, the EOS M 300-4 is an exciting addition to the metal 3D printing industry. Its large build volume, multiple lasers, and ability to print challenging materials like copper make it a versatile and powerful machine. With the potential for future material expansion, this printer has the potential to revolutionize metal 3D printing in a variety of industries.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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