Introducing Markforged’s Performance Advisor: An Automatic Strengthener for 3D Printed Parts


The new Performance Advisor feature in Eiger [Source: Markforged]

Markforged announced a new software tool that automatically makes parts stronger.

This is quite interesting, because Markforged’s equipment are known for already producing some of the strongest 3D printed parts. They accomplish this through the use of continuous carbon fiber, which is strung through parts to give them extra strength.

But that’s apparently not enough: now you can make them even stronger with something they call the “Performance Advisor”. It’s a new feature inside of their Eiger print management system.

Why make this an automatic feature? Aren’t the parts strong already? Markforged provides an explanation:

“The initial step towards producing robust parts with Markforged printers involves setting up print configurations in Eiger. The strength (performance) of a part may be influenced by these settings, some of which have a greater influence than others. Adding continuous fiber reinforcement, for instance, clearly enhances the part’s strength significantly, but it’s not so obvious what effect an additional wall layer or adjusting fill density would have. Moreover, powerful components are sought after but not if it results in a considerable increase in material expenditure and printing time. In the end, the perfect print settings are those that produce a strong part efficiently – a component that balances strength enhancements with minimal increases in cost and print duration.”

This feature is NOT merely about pushing to absolute extreme to make everything more robust. On the contrary, it follows a more delicate approach, with optimised print settings being automatically created.

Wait a moment, what’s the method behind this? Typically, the strength of an object is identified by conducting a simulation, and someone has to specify how the part will be utilized. How does Performance Advisor know this? Does it have telepathic abilities?

The solution to the problem is intriguingly related to the application of “eigenmode” analysis by the software. An eigenmode refers to a vibration mode of an oscillating system. The software pinpoints the lowest energy eigenmode of a part and subsequently identifies areas of the part that are notably prone to deformation.

After the identification of these vulnerable portions of the part, the software generates automatic enhancements to the print parameters to provide for the detected shortcomings. This is achieved by implementing an AI procedure, which articulates a balance between strength, cost, and print time.

In this corrective procedure, adjustments are only made to the number of perimeters and roof/floor layers. The default setting and the pattern of the infill are preserved.

The Performance Advisor presents itself as a reasonably effective “one-click” method to instantaneously enhance the strength of 3D printed parts. Nonetheless, this pertains to generic situations. For cases demanding particular strengths and properties, Markforged advises the use of their simulation tool following the conventional approach.

Markforged offers Performance Advisor within their Digital Forge for their subscribed users.

Through Markforged

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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