IST Gifts 3D Printer to Teacher Boot Camp Participant


Educators from districts in Richland, Crawford and Morrow counties had the chance to take part in the region’s inaugural Teacher Business Boot Camps during the previous summer.

The participants were able to gain a direct understanding of careers in manufacturing and the capabilities required by students to secure and maintain these local jobs. One freely sponsored 3D printer, courtesy of Integrated Systems Technologies, was won by a boot camp participant from Richland County who developed a lesson or project that most effectively showcased the application of 3D printing in a manufacturing context.

Gabe McCready, the operations president at IST, said, “We are always pushing for schools and educators to increase their engagement with local manufacturers. Observing a program that does exactly that, especially within our own community, is highly thrilling. We are eager to offer assistance in any way possible.”

A mathematics teacher at Lexington Local Schools, Denise Benson, won the printer for her “Math and Manufacturing” unit designed for her senior applied math class. The unit begins with a discussion regarding the integration of math into manufacturing. Subsequent lessons cover precise unit conversions, accuracy in measurements, creation of scale models, and exploring nets for 3D model development.

“I am honored to be the winner of the 3D printer from Teacher Business Boot Camp. I firmly believe that after 32 years of teaching, there is still a lot for me to learn to better serve my students,” Benson said. “I look forward to finding new and meaningful ways to encourage my Lexington High School students to become lifelong learners and to embrace new technology.”

Jeremy Secrist, superintendent of Lexington Local Schools, praised Benson’s innovative approach to teaching and how it led to her win.

“I’m not surprised that Denise Benson not only participated but that she and her project won the 3D printer,” Secrist said. “Denise is always looking for innovative ways to both challenge and engage her students. I also thank Integrated Systems Technologies for donating the printer to the boot camp and for setting up the printer in Denise’s room. She is already looking for more ways to use it with her students, and I know she will put it to good use.”

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Secrist also thanked the Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center’s Business Advisory Council and the Richland Area Chamber and Economic Development for organizing the Teacher Business Boot Camp, calling it “an excellent opportunity for local teachers.”

If you are interested in registering for the 2024 Richland County Teacher Business Boot Camp, email Amy Wood at The boot camp will focus on technology careers in Richland County and will be made possible through a partnership with the chamber and a Microsoft TechSpark grant.

This article originally appeared on Mansfield News Journal: Richland County Teacher Business Boot Camp participant wins 3D printer

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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