Jonathan Jaglom discusses how flō is revolutionizing AM and 3D printing lenses by breaking the traditional norms.


to me about flō was its unique approach to additive manufacturing. Instead of starting with a technology platform and looking for use cases, flō starts with a specific problem and builds a solution around it.

This shift in mindset is crucial in advancing the applications of additive manufacturing. It allows us to truly understand the needs and challenges of different industries, and develop tailor-made solutions to address those specific issues. Rather than trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, we are able to create solutions that seamlessly align with the needs of our customers.

But how did I come to be involved with flō? After my 12-year tenure at Stratasys, I knew I wanted to apply my operational expertise in the additive manufacturing industry. I embarked on a search for the next opportunity, one that would allow me to invest and apply my knowledge in a meaningful way. After almost three years of searching, I finally came across flō.

What stood out to me was not only the unique approach to additive manufacturing, but also the company’s culture. The culture at flō is driven by a deep understanding of the importance of problem-solving and finding niche use cases. This is in stark contrast to the “box-mindset” culture I experienced at Stratasys, where the focus was on delivering general-purpose solutions and showcasing our platforms.

At flō, we believe that organizational culture is a crucial element in the success of any company. While it may be difficult to alter established cultures, it is not impossible. We have built a culture that is centered around creative problem-solving and a customer-centric approach. By starting with the problem first, we are able to develop innovative solutions that truly meet the needs of our customers.

The additive manufacturing industry has come a long way since its early iterations in the 80s. Technologies have evolved, and it is the people in the industry who have been instrumental in driving this progress. Visionaries like Jonathan Jaglom, who have years of experience and a deep understanding of the industry, play a crucial role in pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

As the CEO and Chairman of flō, I am excited to be part of a company that is revolutionizing the way we approach additive manufacturing. Our unique process and focus on problem-solving set us apart in a crowded industry. I believe that by moving away from a box-mindset and embracing new approaches, we can unlock the true potential of additive manufacturing and drive innovation in various industries.

The journey with flō has only just begun, and I am thrilled to see where it takes us. With a talented team and a unique approach, I am confident that we will continue to push boundaries, solve challenges, and make a lasting impact in the field of additive manufacturing.

When it comes to tackling problems in the ophthalmic industry, it’s essential to not only identify the issue at hand, but also find a suitable solution. At flō, we recognized the need for additive manufacturing (AM) to address the complexities surrounding coatings in eyewear. Coatings are a crucial component in lens creation, and the current process is labor-intensive, limited, and expensive.

Enter AM. Additive manufacturing has proven its value in short series production processes, making it an ideal solution for the manufacturing world. We saw the potential of applying multi-layering and multi-material technology to revolutionize the ophthalmic coating market.

Our solution, which we refer to as digital printing, utilizes ink-jet technology to accurately apply coatings with optical clarity and specific functionalities. This includes protective layers, anti-reflection coatings, tints, photochromic properties, antifog coatings, and blue light filters. However, the challenge lies in jetting these materials accurately onto non-flat surfaces, as lenses are not flat and require precise coating application.

At flō, we prefer the term additive manufacturing instead of 3D printing because, while we do stack layers of different materials, there are no overhangs that require support. This precision at a pixel level allows us to improve the functionality of coatings, offering a level of customization never seen before. For example, the traditional wet process of tinting coatings on lenses is replaced by a digital process that can print infinite colors accurately and consistently.

Our ability to create lenses with coatings using our multi-layering, multi-material process sets us apart in the industry. However, success isn’t solely based on technical innovation. It’s about understanding the needs of the industry today, as well as anticipating future demands. Developing a long-term strategic roadmap requires foresight into what the customer journey will look like in five or ten years and predicting how competitors might try to hinder progress.

But above all, the key to success lies within the people behind the company. At flō, we prioritize recruiting and retaining top talent because we know that employees are the driving force of our organization. With a team of dedicated and skilled individuals, we have built strong relationships within the AM world, allowing us to push the boundaries of what is possible.

In conclusion, at flō, we are using AM technology to disrupt the ophthalmic industry by offering a solution to the limitations of traditional coating processes. Our multi-layering, multi-material approach allows for precise and customizable coatings, providing enhanced functionalities to eyewear. With a strategic roadmap and a talented team, we are confident in our ability to lead the way in this field.

Welcome to our blog! Today, we want to share an exciting story about our company and the remarkable team that drives us forward. We are constantly seeking the best talent out there to help us overcome the challenges presented by cutting-edge technology. As I mentioned before, the lenses created by flō are a prime example of the incredible products we produce.

What sets us apart is that the group of investors behind Stratasys is also supporting flō. Our family has been investing in the printing industry for over three decades, and our strategy is centered around long-term commitment and vision. We aim to disrupt industries with innovative technology, and we dedicate ourselves to doing whatever it takes to make that happen.

Just like Stratasys, which took 20 years to become the number one leader in additive manufacturing, our goal is to achieve the same level of success with flō. If you’re interested in learning more about us, please visit our website for additional information.

Now, let’s discuss a fascinating concept – solving a problem by creating a solution rather than the other way around. This innovative approach allows us to think outside the box and find unconventional solutions. We would love to hear your thoughts on this idea, so please leave a comment below or engage with us on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter pages.

Don’t forget to sign up for our free weekly Newsletter, where you’ll receive the latest news in the 3D printing industry straight to your inbox! Furthermore, to stay up-to-date with all our developments, you can find all our videos on our YouTube channel.

Thank you for reading, and we look forward to embarking on this exciting journey with you!

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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