Joseph Crabtree, the Chief Executive Officer at AMT, shares his insights on scaling up additive manufacturing in an interview.


Joseph Crabtree, founder and CEO of AMT, recently discussed the industrialization of 3D printing and the challenges faced by the industry. Crabtree believes that for the additive manufacturing industry to be taken seriously, it needs to be considered on par with traditional manufacturing. In the future, products should not need the qualifier “3D printed” because, like cars being stamped out of metal or computer screens being injection molded, the manufacturing process should be a given.

AMT, a Sheffield-based start-up, has quickly grown into an international operation. However, like many companies in the industry, they have faced difficulties due to the economic downturn and global supply chain disruptions. Despite these challenges, AMT has seen significant revenue growth, reaching approximately 12-13 million Euros. However, there are concerns about the industry’s future, including a reduction in industrial 3D printer sales and ongoing consolidation moves within the market.

To address these concerns, AMT has undergone a restructuring process, including headcount reductions and a focus on their core offering of chemical vapor smoothing. Crabtree believes that it is important for the company to take control of its own destiny rather than being led by industry dynamics.

Profitability is a key objective for AMT in the short term, as Crabtree questions how many companies in the industry are actually generating a profit. Despite the challenges, Crabtree remains optimistic about the demand for 3D printing technology. He believes that people are using their printers to create more things but are not buying more physical printers due to their high cost. Instead, companies are seeking automation solutions, which presents opportunities for upscaling in automation and increased consumable usage.

The industry’s future is uncertain, especially with ongoing mergers and acquisitions. Crabtree questions the impact of this activity on companies in the post-processing, software, or material space. He highlights the need for businesses in post-processing to drive their own destiny and become market makers rather than market takers.

In conclusion, Crabtree’s insights shed light on the challenges and opportunities in the industrialization of 3D printing. While there are uncertainties and concerns, there is still optimism about the technology’s demand and potential for growth. It is clear that the industry needs to continue evolving and finding ways to create value for customers to ensure its long-term success.

for ways to enhance your manufacturing processes? Look no further than the world of 3D printing. In a recent interview, industry expert Michael Crabtree sheds light on the progress and challenges in the 3D printing sector.

Crabtree emphasizes the need for comprehensive solutions rather than just selling individual components. He highlights the promising growth in sectors like medicine, where customization plays a crucial role. Additionally, he mentions partnerships with major automotive companies and their applications in interior components.

While the potential of 3D printing is vast, Crabtree acknowledges that the industry still has a long way to go. He compares the market sizes of products like AirPods and avocados to the revenue of the entire 3D printing industry, suggesting that there is still room for growth.

Crabtree also addresses the pain points in the industry, such as machine reliability and the complex decision-making process for choosing 3D printers. He sees post-processing as a bridge to the future of 3D printing and highlights AMT’s distinctive advantage in technology and IP development.

When it comes to sustainability, Crabtree notes the importance of environmentally friendly solutions and staying ahead of legislative changes.

Moving forward, Crabtree emphasizes the need to focus on delivering solutions that meet user demands and provide value. The narrative should shift from the novelty of 3D printing to the innovation, functionality, and transformative potential it brings.

In conclusion, the future of 3D printing holds great promise, but there are challenges to overcome. By staying updated on the latest news and developments in the industry, you can be at the forefront of this technological revolution. So, subscribe to the 3D Printing Industry newsletter, follow them on Twitter, and keep an eye on their YouTube channel for insightful discussions and webinars.

Are you ready to embrace the future of manufacturing? Don’t be left behind. Start exploring the possibilities of 3D printing today.

Are you someone who is intrigued by the world of additive manufacturing? Do you have a passion for 3D printing and all the possibilities it holds? If so, then we have some exciting news for you! 3D Printing Jobs is your one-stop destination for a variety of roles in the additive manufacturing industry.

But before we dive into the details, let’s take a moment to appreciate the marvels of this industry. From creating intricate prototypes to revolutionizing manufacturing processes, additive manufacturing has truly changed the game. And at the forefront of this innovation is Joseph Crabtree, the CEO and Founder of AMT (Additive Manufacturing Technologies).

Now, let’s talk about the incredible opportunities that await you in the additive manufacturing industry. At 3D Printing Jobs, we understand that talent is the driving force behind any successful venture. That’s why we have curated a wide range of job openings to cater to your specific interests and skillset.

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So, what kind of roles can you expect to find on 3D Printing Jobs? Well, the possibilities are endless! From designing and engineering to research and development, there is a diverse range of positions available. Whether you’re interested in software development, materials science, or even marketing, you’ll find a plethora of exciting opportunities to choose from.

But it’s not just about finding a job; it’s about finding the right fit for you. At 3D Printing Jobs, we understand the importance of aligning your passion with your profession. That’s why we go the extra mile to ensure that you find a role that not only matches your skills but also ignites your passion for additive manufacturing.

In addition to connecting you with potential employers, we also provide valuable resources to help you thrive in your chosen career. Our blog features insightful articles and interviews with industry experts, giving you exclusive access to valuable knowledge and insights.

So, whether you’re an experienced professional or just starting your journey, make sure to visit 3D Printing Jobs today. With our comprehensive selection of additive manufacturing roles and industry insights, you’ll be one step closer to turning your passion into a rewarding career.

Remember, in the world of additive manufacturing, the possibilities are endless. Embrace the future of manufacturing and take the next step towards an exciting and fulfilling career in the additive manufacturing industry. Visit 3D Printing Jobs and unlock a world of opportunities today!

[Featured image shows Joseph Crabtree, CEO, and Founder of AMT. Photo via AMT.]

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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