Latest 3D Printing Updates: Introduction of 3D Systems Base Resin, ArcelorMittal’s Entry into the Powder Market and News from NIOSH


The US’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has rolled out a suite of guidelines for 3D printing titled, ¨Approaches to safe 3D printing: a guide for makerspace users, schools, libraries, and small businesses

This progress is truly momentous as it may significantly enhance safety for both workers and children in the context of 3D printing. The guidance includes devising a thorough risk management plan unique to 3D printing, accessing all SDSs (safety data sheets). It also favours the selection of safer materials, emphasizing that PLA discharges fewer particles compared to ABS and certain filament colours are notably safer. The recommendation of utilizing a fume hood, enclosure, or a local exhaust ventilation (LEV) device and implementing HEPA filtration contributes to the safe practice of 3D Printing. They also advocate for choosing 3D Printers that are certified by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL). This guideline could potentially set the standards for 3D printing safety. Primarily, it advices avoidance of close proximity to printers, which is currently not strictly abided by.

In other news, steel magnate ArcelorMittal has ventured into the production of 3D Printing Powders and has commenced the construction of an industrial-scale inert gas atomizer in Aviles, Spain. This site has been involved in rigorous testing of 3D printing and powder for several years on an array of industrial machines. The company will launch powders for laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), binder jetting (BJ), and direct energy deposition (DED). The atomizer would have the capacity to produce from 200 kilo to 3 tonnes and has an annual threshold of a 1000 tonnes.

3D Systems has received FDA 510(k) approval for its NextDent Base material that enables the vat polymerization of both full and partial removable dentures. According to the company, this product offers repeatability and comes in four different shades of gingiva.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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