MX3D WAAM Metal 3D Printer is purchased by the US Department of Defense.


Title: MX3D’s 3D Printing Technology Finds a Home with US Department of Defense


In an exciting development, MX3D, the Dutch firm famous for its 3D printed bridge in Amsterdam, has secured a significant deal with the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) of the US Department of Defense (DoD). This deal highlights MX3D’s growing presence in the North American market and its commitment to high productivity, certification, and automation. Scheduled to be delivered in the first quarter of 2024, the M1 Metal AM System will be housed at ERDC’s Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL), specializing in force protection, maneuver support, and structural engineering. With this milestone, MX3D aims to further expand its influence and make significant advancements in its software capabilities.

A Shift in MX3D’s Path:

MX3D initially started its journey as an idealistic company, focusing on software development for wire arc AM systems. The company had considered becoming solely a software provider for others in the industry. However, its vision soon evolved, and it transformed into an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of large-scale systems. MX3D’s iconic bridge became not only a landmark but also symbolized the company’s futuristic aspirations, ushering in a new phase of exploring hardware sales.

Emerging Government Interests:

The US Department of Defense’s decision to purchase MX3D’s technology exemplifies the growing interest of government entities in the 3D printing sector. Government departments, including the Air Force Research Lab and the Department of Energy, are investing billions in various projects, making the DoD a significant driving force in the industry. The strategic and tactical importance of mastering 3D printing technology is evident, as it offers potential applications in hypersonics, 3D-printed concrete bunkers, boat hulls, drones, sensors, missiles, improvised repairs, and aviation.

The Potential of MX3D’s Technology:

MX3D’s technology opens up a myriad of possibilities for the US Department of Defense. Beyond building bridges, it can be utilized in reinforcing 3D-printed concrete structures, manufacturing components for bunkers and seawalls, and even creating more resilient armor against explosives and projectiles. While Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) has faced challenges with post-processing requirements impacting its business case, orders like this offer MX3D the opportunity to refine the technology. For certain applications, such as structural features in buildings, the absence of fine machining may be acceptable, making WAAM a more viable option.

The Evolving 3D Printing Industry:

As the 3D printing industry advances, it is becoming increasingly aligned with US government interests. This leads to speculation that the industry may be transitioned from a universally applicable technology to one primarily optimized for DoD requirements. Nonetheless, it is crucial to stay updated with the latest news and developments from the 3D printing industry, as it continuously evolves and offers exciting opportunities.


MX3D’s collaboration with the US Department of Defense marks an important milestone in the company’s growth and recognition. The deal showcases MX3D’s dedication to expanding its presence in North America and highlights the increasing interest and investment of government entities in the 3D printing industry. With its advanced technology, MX3D has the potential to revolutionize various sectors and contribute to the US military’s technological advancements. As the industry continues to evolve, it remains important to stay informed and explore the possibilities offered by 3D printing.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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