Nano Dimension broadens its presence in the field of precise 3D printing by introducing additional models.


In a groundbreaking announcement, Nano Dimension has unveiled three new additions to their Fabrica line of micro 3D printers. The focus of these innovative machines is on printing tiny precision objects, with parts as small as a few millimeters across and resolutions nearing one micron.

The Fabrica line has already established itself as a leader in micro 3D printing, and these three new systems are set to further solidify that reputation. Let’s take a closer look at each one.

First, we have the Tera 25. This model boasts a significantly larger build volume when compared to the Giga series. While still smaller than your average desktop 3D printer, the Tera 25 offers a build volume of 50 x 50 x 100 mm. What’s truly remarkable about this machine is its optical resolution of only 0.008mm and a layer thickness that can be as small as 0.005mm. Using 385nm materials, the Tera 25 is a resin-based machine that pushes the boundaries of what can be achieved in micro 3D printing.

Next up is the Giga 25, which shares the same resolution and accuracy as its larger counterpart, the Tera 25. However, this printer’s build volume shrinks down to 12 x 18 x 45 mm. While this might seem like a significant reduction, it actually presents an interesting option for companies manufacturing parts at this scale. If you only require single-unit production, the Giga 25 might be the perfect fit for your needs. In contrast, the Tera 25 with its larger build plate would be better suited for batch production.

The final addition to Nano Dimension’s Fabrica line is the Giga 250, which boasts an impressively tiny build volume of just 6 x 9 x 45mm. In fact, this might be the smallest build volume ever documented in the world of 3D printing! However, despite its diminutive size, the Giga 250 is capable of producing objects with an astonishing optical resolution of 0.002mm and layer thicknesses as small as 0.001mm. This level of precision opens up a realm of possibilities for operators to create extraordinarily detailed small objects.

It seems that Nano Dimension has been attentively listening to their customers and has expertly adapted their technology to cater to a wide range of needs. From larger build volumes to ultra-high resolutions, the new additions to the Fabrica line offer an expansive array of options for those working in the micro 3D printing industry.

In summary, Nano Dimension’s announcement of the Tera 25, Giga 250, and Giga 25 micro 3D printers showcases their deep understanding of the market and their commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of precision printing. With these new systems, companies can now achieve even greater levels of detail and efficiency in their micro 3D printing projects.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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