Nano Dimension has patented a new innovation that utilizes artificial intelligence in order to obtain industrial insights.


Nano Dimension, a leading company in the field of AI technology, recently announced the filing of a fascinating patent. The company, which acquired AI specialist startup DeepCube two years ago, has been making significant advancements in AI methods. Their latest achievement is the development of Large Language Models (LLMs), which are considered the cutting edge of AI technology.

Initially, LLMs were created to facilitate language translation between different human languages. This was made possible because the mental models encoded in the LLMs were found to be nearly identical, regardless of the language being translated. This breakthrough led to the development of systems that can quickly and efficiently translate between languages. Furthermore, researchers discovered that LLM technology can also be applied to other information domains, allowing for data analysis and even the generation of new output.

Numerous companies are currently exploring how LLMs can be adapted and trained on domain-specific data for various applications. One such application is the analysis of log files for industrial machines. While this may sound mundane, these log files contain a wealth of sensor information collected during print and other operations. In the world of industrial 3D printing, optimizing operations is crucial to ensure job reliability and print quality, ultimately reducing production costs. Manufacturers have been fine-tuning their equipment for years and even incorporating real-time monitoring systems that use sensor data to make immediate adjustments.

Nano Dimension’s patent takes this a step further by enabling comprehensive analysis of machine log files that contain information about entire print jobs. Considering that these log files can capture snapshots of sensor data at the millisecond level, the amount of data involved can be massive. This is where LLMs come in. These models can analyze data with remarkable efficiency and accuracy. The idea behind Nano Dimension’s patent is to leverage LLMs to ask questions and analyze print jobs in real-time or retrospectively. This would provide valuable insights into print quality and operational improvements.

However, using LLMs for analyzing large log files presents certain challenges. LLMs typically have an input limit in terms of the number of “tokens” allowed, which corresponds to the size of the file being processed. Machine log files, with their vast amounts of data, far exceed these token limits. Nano Dimension seems to have found a solution to this problem through parallel processing. By processing multiple log streams concurrently, the LLM can identify patterns and correlations not only within each stream but also between various modules, all in real-time.

This groundbreaking technology has the potential to revolutionize industries beyond 3D printing. It can be applied to log files from different manufacturing equipment and even non-manufacturing applications. The possibilities are vast, and it will be exciting to see how this technology unfolds.

In conclusion, Nano Dimension’s patent filing for analyzing extensive log files using LLMs is a significant development. It opens up new possibilities for improving operational efficiency and quality control in industrial processes. With the potential for broader applications across various industries, this technology holds promise for driving innovation and advancements in AI-driven data analysis.

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