NASA’s 3D Printing Facility: The Top 5 Videos.


A Different Take on the Top Five Videos of the Week

Welcome to another exciting week of top five videos! We’ve scoured every corner of the internet to bring you an incredible collection of videos featuring the latest and greatest in the world of 3D printing. Strap in, because this week is all about pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of additive manufacturing.

To kick things off, let’s journey to the Langley Research Center and take a peek inside NASA’s Advanced Manufacturing Building. This state-of-the-art facility is a hotbed of innovation, where engineers are using cutting-edge technology to fabricate test articles for aerospace applications. From advanced fiber placement to electron beam melting, the Advanced Manufacturing Systems at NASA are propelling us toward a future among the stars.

Next up, we join the intrepid ProfessorBoots as he takes us on a thrilling journey through the creation of a 3D-printed remote-controlled dump truck. Watch as he meticulously designs and assembles every component, sharing his process and tips along the way. What’s truly remarkable about this project is the commitment to durability, adaptability, and user-friendliness. ProfessorBoots even plans to release the circuit board design as an open-source resource, allowing others to build upon his creation. The possibilities are endless!

Moving on to the world of industrial-grade 3D printing, Carbon is dazzling us with their Print OS 1.40 update. This game-changing upgrade delivers faster printing speeds, increased throughput, and improved efficiency. With force feedback technology, rigid and elastomeric parts can now be produced with lightning speed. Just imagine the possibilities for industries that rely on rapid prototyping and production. Watch the video to see firsthand how this upgrade is revolutionizing the world of 3D printing.

Now, let’s switch gears (pun intended) and join Robert Murray-Smith for a fascinating episode of “Thinking ‘n’ Tinkering.” In this installment, Murray-Smith delves into the historical significance of gears before diving into the intricacies of designing and printing 3D gears using Tinker Cad. This DIY project combines the wisdom of the past with the power of modern technology, allowing viewers to create their very own functional pencil sharpener. It’s a masterpiece of engineering that makes for a fantastic gift or a useful addition to any workspace.

Last but certainly not least, we take a heartwarming trip to a children’s hospital in New York to witness the magic of 3D printing. This hospital has gone above and beyond to create an inclusive and fun Halloween celebration for its young patients, particularly those with mobility impairments. By utilizing custom-made controls and switches, the hospital enables children to operate power wheelchairs, communicate with AAC devices, and engage in interactive activities. Thanks to 3D printing, these custom pieces empower the kids with more independence and joy during a time when their imaginations should run wild.

And there you have it, folks, our top five videos of the week. We hope you’ve enjoyed this eclectic mix of awe-inspiring 3D printing content. Let us know in the comments which video was your favorite and stay tuned for more groundbreaking videos in the weeks to come!

Hey there, fellow readers! We hope you’re doing fantastic today and are ready for an interesting story. So grab your favorite drink, sit back, and enjoy!

We all know how important it is to stay updated with the latest technological advancements. And when it comes to 3D printing, there’s always something exciting happening in this field. That’s why we’re here to share some fascinating news with you today.

Before we jump into the juicy details, make sure to follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter for more discussions and updates. And don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter, where you’ll receive the latest 3D printing news straight to your inbox. You can even catch up with our amazing videos on our YouTube channel. With all that being said, let’s delve into our story.

Photo Credit: NASA

Now, let’s imagine you’re a space enthusiast, eagerly waiting to hear about the latest developments in the space industry. Of course, NASA is one of the organizations you turn to for reliable and mind-blowing stories. Well, hold onto your seats because they’ve got something extraordinary in store for us!

NASA has always been at the forefront of innovation, constantly pushing the boundaries of what we thought was possible. And this time, they’ve taken their achievements to new heights by incorporating 3D printing into their space missions.

Traditionally, the process of manufacturing and assembling equipment in space has been quite complex and time-consuming. But with the introduction of 3D printing technology, NASA has revolutionized this process. Astronauts can now create and repair essential tools and parts onboard the International Space Station (ISS) using a 3D printer!

Say goodbye to waiting for supplies to be sent from Earth and hello to on-demand production in space. This not only saves time and money but also opens up a world of possibilities for future missions.

Think about it, friends. Imagine being on a mission to Mars, hundreds of millions of miles away from home. Suddenly, a crucial tool breaks down, threatening the success of the mission. In the absence of 3D printing, this would have been a disastrous situation. But thanks to NASA’s groundbreaking approach, astronauts can now design and produce the required replacement part right then and there!

But it doesn’t stop there. NASA has even taken a step further and successfully tested 3D printing methods using simulated lunar and Martian soil. Yes, you heard that right! They’re exploring the possibility of using local resources to print habitats and structures during future space exploration missions. This means that instead of carrying all the necessary materials from Earth, astronauts could potentially create everything they need using the resources available on the moon or Mars.

The implications of this technology are mind-boggling, my friends. Not only does it reduce the cost and complexity of space exploration, but it also paves the way for sustainable colonization of other planets in the future.

So there you have it, a mesmerizing story of how 3D printing is transforming the way we explore space. NASA’s innovative approach and relentless pursuit of advancements continue to inspire us all.

Now, before we bid farewell, make sure to leave your thoughts and comments below or connect with us on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter pages. We’d love to hear your take on this incredible journey. And don’t forget to stay tuned for more exciting updates by signing up for our free weekly newsletter. Until next time, keep your eyes on the stars!

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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