ORNL is making progress in the development of sustainable composite materials for additive manufacturing, as reported by 3DPrinting.com.


ORNL: Pushing the Boundaries of Additive Manufacturing with Composite Materials

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is at the forefront of a groundbreaking movement in additive manufacturing. Partnering with industry leaders, ORNL aims to revolutionize production scalability and alleviate supply chain disruptions through the use of composite materials. By exploring various composites such as carbon fiber, ceramics, and biodegradable plastics, ORNL is developing lightweight and efficient components for a wide range of sectors, including automotive and aerospace. This pioneering work is being conducted at the Department of Energy’s Manufacturing Demonstration Facility and Carbon Fiber Technology Facility, allowing AM operators in the United States to enhance their manufacturing capabilities.

Vlastimil Kunc, the Composites Science and Technology section leader at ORNL, proudly claims that their facilities are the only ones in the country with the ability to fully formulate, create, print, and recycle composite materials. This “cradle to cradle” approach provides a comprehensive view of composites’ entire lifespan, enabling ORNL to identify and develop sustainable material feedstock and processes for unique 3D-print applications. With this holistic perspective, the laboratory aims to advance the field of additive manufacturing and contribute to a more sustainable future.

In addition to their groundbreaking work with composite materials, ORNL’s scientists are also focused on refining digital tooling to streamline production processes. They are actively researching several key areas to stay on the cutting edge of additive manufacturing. With their expertise and commitment to innovation, ORNL is driving the advancement of carbon fiber materials at their Carbon Fiber Technology Facility. This facility supports clean energy applications and further strengthens the manufacturing capabilities of the United States.

At ORNL, the pursuit of additive manufacturing excellence goes beyond the laboratory. They actively engage with the public through their social media platforms, including Facebook, X, and LinkedIn. ORNL encourages people to share their thoughts and opinions, facilitating an open dialogue about the possibilities and implications of additive manufacturing. To stay up to date with the latest developments and stories in the field, ORNL invites everyone to sign up for their weekly additive manufacturing newsletter. By doing so, subscribers will receive all the latest news and insights right in their inbox.

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory is breaking new ground in additive manufacturing by pioneering the use of composite materials. Their commitment to research, innovation, and sustainability is redefining the capabilities of additive manufacturing and driving the advancement of the field. With their state-of-the-art facilities and dedicated scientists, ORNL is leading the way towards a future where additive manufacturing revolutionizes industries and transforms our world.

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