Pollock’s Techniques are Mirrored by 3D Printing according to 3DPrinting.com.


Unleashing the Power of Pollock’s Technique: A New Approach to 3D Printing

When we think of 3D printing, we often picture precise and controlled movements, carefully depositing layer after layer to create intricate objects. But what if we could introduce a touch of chaos, a hint of unpredictability into this process? Inspired by the remarkable painting techniques of the great Jackson Pollock, a team of researchers at Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) has done just that.

Led by the esteemed professor L. Mahadevan, the team sought to understand and replicate the principles behind Pollock’s unique style. Pollock was known for his drip paintings, where he would drizzle paint from above, allowing gravity to take hold and add an element of randomness to his art. The question was, could this same principle be applied to 3D printing?

Traditional 3D and 4D printing techniques involve keeping the printing nozzle close to the surface, limiting the potential for fluid instabilities. However, Mahadevan and his team saw an opportunity in embracing these instabilities, inspired by Pollock’s approach. They wanted to explore how minor movements, influenced by gravity, could lead to unexpected and beautiful patterns in their prints.

To do this, the team combined the physics of fluid coiling with deep reinforcement learning, a machine learning technique. By training their 3D printer to learn from previous iterations, the model’s accuracy improved over time. The result was a printing method that could swiftly produce intricate physical patterns, reminiscent of Pollock’s famous works.

But the team didn’t stop there. They took their newfound technique beyond traditional materials and ventured into the world of food. Yes, you read that right – they even decorated a cookie with syrup using their Pollock-inspired approach. While the study used basic fluids, the researchers are excited about the potential to incorporate more complex liquids, such as liquid polymers or various food items.

The implications of this research are vast. Imagine being able to create beautiful and unique designs on-demand, with the natural fluid dynamics adding a touch of artistic serendipity. This opens up new possibilities in fields like art, design, and even food presentation. The team’s findings have been published in a research paper titled “Learning to write with the fluid rope trick” in the Soft Matter journal.

Now, we want to hear from you. What are your thoughts on this groundbreaking approach to 3D printing? Could it revolutionize the way we create and design? We invite you to join the conversation on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages. And don’t forget to sign up for our weekly additive manufacturing newsletter to stay updated on all the latest stories in the world of 3D printing. The future is fluid – let’s embrace it!

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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