Renishaw enhances the productivity of its metal 3D printing product.


Renishaw, a leading company in the field of additive manufacturing (AM), has announced that it will be showcasing its advanced metal 3D printing technology at the upcoming Formnext exhibition in November. This new system, which is an improvement on their existing RenAM 500 series, is said to be capable of reducing build times by up to 50% while still delivering high-quality parts.

While specific details about the technology are still shrouded in mystery, one of the key areas of focus for Renishaw is its potential to decrease the cost per part. This is a significant barrier to wider adoption of AM, and Renishaw hopes that their new system will help to overcome this challenge.

Louise Callanan, Director of Additive Manufacturing at Renishaw, has emphasized the company’s dedication to improving the productivity of AM. The updated RenAM 500 series, which is already known as one of the most productive systems on the market, is now capable of operating at double its previous speed. This significant boost in productivity not only reduces the cost per component but also expands the range of applications for the technology.

Callanan has also hinted at the forthcoming next-generation metal AM technology, which is expected to offer a holistic solution for AM industrialization. Renishaw is committed to ensuring the quality of its outputs and plans to introduce a quality management toolkit for AM. This toolkit will provide operators with crucial data, control, and transparency throughout the printing process, instilling confidence and ensuring consistent high-quality outputs.

In addition to the new system, attendees of the Formnext exhibition will also have the opportunity to view other Renishaw products, such as the four-laser RenAM 500Q and the research and development-focused RenAM 500 Flex, as well as various application narratives.

Renishaw invites individuals to share their thoughts on their Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages, and encourages people to sign up for their weekly additive manufacturing newsletter to stay up to date with the latest stories in the industry.

Overall, Renishaw’s advancements in metal 3D printing technology are expected to have a significant impact on the industry. By reducing build times, decreasing cost per part, and enhancing quality management resources, Renishaw is helping to drive the widespread adoption of AM.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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