Revealing Aston Martin’s First Ever 3D Printed Bike


The luxury and innovation world of high-end bicycles has been shaken up with the introduction of the J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R. It is much more than a simple bicycle. It represents a blend of bespoke craftsmanship fused with groundbreaking technology. The standout feature is its customizability and 3D printed parts. Interestingly, the .1R frame was fashioned in the very workshops where the legendary Aston Martin cars were made, with experts using sophisticated computer programs to derive three-dimensional designs.

The J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R isn’t just a collector’s piece; it’s made for cyclists who demand performance coupled with comfort. Every component of this bike has been crafted to offer an enjoyable riding experience. The objective was to design a frame that amalgamates lightness, rigidness, and comfort, ensuring it meets the highest standards.

More specifically, the .1R frame is handmade from a fusion of titanium lugs and carbon fiber tubing. The crafting techniques have drawn inspiration from the world of Formula 1 cars. The robust 6AI/4V titanium dropouts, known for their strength-to-weight ratio, are created using 3D printing with a precision to the nearest 30 microns. The bike also includes integrated brake calipers. Each caliper is shaped from a high-strength aluminum block, which incorporates four titanium pistons for superior control and modulation.

Marek Reicman, Executive Vice President and Chief Creative Officer at Aston Martin, expounded upon the subject, “The J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R is essentially a titanium hypercar on two wheels. The pure, intelligent virtuosity is in our merging of engineering advancements throughout the bike with a purity of performance design to deliver a fundamentally thrilling riding experience. The outcome is a unique shape, conceived through tradition and technology and handcrafted using only the most cutting-edge materials, worthy of the lineages and forward-looking natures of our two iconic British firms.”

An Exceptionally Modifiable 3D Printed Bicycle From Aston Martin

An exciting facet of the J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R is its unprecedented level of adjustability. While modification is fairly standard in the bicycle sphere, this dual-wheeler goes an extra mile by providing truly bespoke tailoring. The Sphyr stem is 3D-constructed from titanium, configured to the measurements of each proprietor. This method renders possible the customization of reach and width specifications with exceptional finesse.

The .1R also distinguishes itself through its dedication to the custom conception and production of each part of the bike, modified to the requirements of each separate cyclist. This concept leads to the construction of a stylish bike. Luxury enhancements, like hand-sewn leather garnishes, are on offer for the handlebars and saddle. Carbon cranks, adorned with 3D-rendered titanium extensions, give the opportunity to modify crank length with thorough precision, promising a flawless fit.

Oliver Laverack, co-founder of J.Laverack Bicycles, concludes, “Working with the team at Aston Martin has unlocked new ideas and innovations, the application of which has created a bicycle more advanced than anything currently available on the market. Working in collaboration with Aston Martin we have not only taken our titanium bicycles to new heights but have also unlocked true innovation within the cycling industry, creating a bicycle with unparalleled levels of craftsmanship and performance engineering.” You can find out more in the press release HERE.

What do you think of the J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R.? Let us know in a comment below or on our Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter pages! Don’t forget to sign up for our free weekly Newsletter here, the latest 3D printing news straight to your inbox! You can also find all our videos on our YouTube channel.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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