Review of the AnkerMake M5C: Your Affordable and Reliable Solution for Easy 3D Printing


Chinese 3D printer manufacturer AnkerMake, owned by electronics device company Anker Innovations, was founded back in 2020. The company launched its first 3D printer, the AnkerMake M5, in 2022.

In this article we review the M5C, the latest addition to AnkerMake’s desktop FDM 3D printer portfolio. According to AnkerMake, the M5C combines affordability and ease of use with high-speed, high-quality 3D printing.

Priced at just $399, the M5C is targeted towards users of all levels, and is ideal for newcomers to the industry. Indeed, AnkerMake’s new 3D printer is advertised as allowing users to “make more with less effort.”

Key features of the AnkerMake M5C

With a top 3D printing speed of 500 mm/s and acceleration of 5000 mm/s², the M5C is also proud of its maximum flow capacity at 35 mm3/s. As a result, AnkerMake ensures that users can 3D print items rapidly and effortlessly without sacrificing quality.

The company promotes the M5C as guaranteeing a resolution of 50µm when operating in the unique “Precision Mode” for 3D printing. Besides this, the M5C provides the option of “Fast” and “Normal” 3D printing profiles.

The 3D printer also comes with a 5 kg base and a lowered center of gravity to maintain less than 0.08 mm vibration amplitude while performing high-speed 3D printing.

The M5C supports a wide spectrum of materials, giving users the liberty to conduct 3D printing in PLA+, TPU, ABS, PETG, PA, PETG-CF, and PA-CF. This is made possible due to the 3D printer’s stainless-steel hotend and a peak nozzle temperature of 300℃, apart from the diameter choices of 0.2 mm and 0.4 mm.

Ease of use is bolstered by the M5C’s 7 x 7 auto bed leveling feature. Here, the 3D printer examines a total of 49 points on the build plate, calculating a virtual height map to ensure a good first layer at the start of each 3D print.

Easy assembly in under 10 minutes

The AnkerMake M5C is designed with ease of use in mind, and is optimized for entry level users. As such, the unboxing and assembly process for this 3D printer is especially straightforward.

It’s quite simple to get the M5C up and running, requiring only the attachment of the gantry to the base and the tightening of a few screws. Our team had the 3D printer assembled and ready to go in less than 10 minutes, largely due to the pre-mounted print head on the gantry. This significant design choice removes a lot of potential hassle from the setup process.

Regarding its shipping condition, the M5C was thoroughly packaged. The delivery package was a sturdy cardboard encasing, secured with ample, carefully cut foam panels. This packing approach guaranteed that the M5C reached our team in an excellent, undamaged state, with nothing missing.

The 3D printer comes complete with a maintenance and accessories kit, a physical user’s manual and a set of spare nozzles. Included in the package are all the requisite tools needed for the initial setup and continued maintenance of the 3D printer.

The shipment and unboxing pictures of the 3D Printer procurement were documented and provided by the 3D Printing Industry.

A Minimalist yet Functional Design

AnkerMake’s latest addition in 3D printer technology exhibits a sophisticated open design. The M5C model is thoughtfully crafted with an all-aluminium enclosure that neatly houses crucial components such as the motors, sensors, and other key moving parts. This careful arrangement achieves a clean and streamlined appearance.

This simplicity is further emphasized by the absence of a digital interface. Instead, the M5C model is equipped with a single button to pause and resume 3D printing tasks. Every other operation connected with 3D printing is managed via the Ankermake application and the AnkerMake Slicer plugin.

With its compact dimensions of just 355 x 355 x 480 mm and a total volume capacity of 220 x220 x 250 mm, the M5C model is perfect for desk-bound users. Its ideal for applications involving prototyping, DIY activities, and model-making.

Another compact but highly effective characteristic is the position of the spool holder at the top of the 3D printer, as opposed to the side. This results in decreased tension during the 3D printing process, promoting a more stable flow of material and reducing the likelihood of filament breakage. 

The M5C, along with its accompanying accessories, offer detailed views of the 3D printing head and motion system. These pictures are provided by the 3D Printing Industry.

AnkerMake Slicer

The M5C is complemented by its unique slicing software, AnkerMake Slicer. This software is notably the only slicer that can directly oversee the 3D printing procedures of the M5C. In addition to this, AnkerMake also offers a mobile application that can be employed to manage 3D printing tasks on the M5C. This app also includes a variety of pre-configured models that are ready for immediate 3D printing. 

In summary, our assessment found the AnkerMake Slicer and its corresponding app to be remarkably efficient. Our squad was capable of producing satisfactory outputs using the provided slicer and material profiles, without having to execute any profound modifications. The overall design of the slicer’s user interface was straightforward and accessible, making it an excellent fit for the M5C’s target audience of entry-level users.

The M5C is naturally compatible with gcode, enabling users to utilize other slicers to slice and export their 3D printing files. Nonetheless, the only software with network integration with the M5C is the AnkerMake Slicer. If 3D prints are sliced externally, they can only be uploaded via a USB-C stick, followed by using the AnkerMake mobile app to initiate the 3D printing process.

3D Printing Industry provided the images for AnkerMake Slicer and mobile app interfaces.

Benchmarking Test

Our test commenced with a 3D benchy file obtained from the AnkerMake app. Using AnkerMake PLA+ filament, we 3D printed two dissimilar benchy’s, one in fast mode, another in normal mode using the M5C. The 3D printed models completed in 17 minutes 40 seconds and 47 minutes respectively.

The usual speed benchy printed via 3D produced a superior surface finish in comparison with the two, demonstrating fewer errors. The benchy did not exhibit any anomalies around the frame or bridge areas, thereby underlining the efficient cooling capabilities of M5C. On the contrary, the rapid print did not provide ample time for cooling, leading to some issues on the underside of the roof.

We then performed a circular trajectory evaluation to assess the M5C’s proficiency in 3D printing parts with circular segments. Our evaluations found a proportional deviation in the measurements between the X and Y axis. The X axis is closer to the accurate measurements, and its variance was quite steady. This was not the scenario for the Y axis.

The standard deviation of the Y-axis surpassed that of the X-axis. This points towards a problem with the M5C’s motion mechanism. It’s feasible to correct this by modifying the XYZ-steps, or by scaling the model in the slicer. Nonetheless, at present, the M5C firmware configuration is unavailable, indicating that XYZ-steps are unchangeable.

Circular trajectory 3D prints and measurement results. Photo and data by 3D Printing Industry.

We evaluated the M5C’s repeatability by 3D printing and examining three distinct structures – squares, hexagons, and tubes – in series of twelve. Subsequently, we compared their measurements against their intended dimensions. For the machine to ace this test, the mean deviation would have to be lower than 0.1 mm, whereas the standard variation must not go beyond 0.05 mm.

Repeatability test 3D prints. Photos by 3D Printing Industry.

When it comes to the X and Y dimensions, all three tests have yielded satisfying results, with the mean deviations not exceeding 0.1 mm and the standard variations not surpassing 0.05 mm. But, when it came to 3D printing the hexagon structures diagonally, we observed certain discrepancies. This, as with the circular trajectory, indicates a problem, either with the motion system or the XYZ-steps.

Repeatability test results. Data by 3D Printing Industry.

Next, we carried out a bridging test to ascertain the printer’s performance in 3D printing without any support. This is a viable way to evaluate the cooling of the machine, as better cooling usually translates to better bridging. The smaller bridges begin at a length of 5 mm and increase to 25 mm with incremental increases of 5 mm each, while the larger bridges commence at a length of 20 mm and extend to 60 mm in 10 mm increments.

All bridges were successfully 3D printed, with particularly good outcomes up to the 20 mm length bridge. After this length, the bridges started showing more drooping. Most FDM 3D printers tend to produce these defects after 15 mm, therefore the M5C showed above-average results in this test. It’s worth mentioning that these outcomes were realized at 3D printing speeds of 250 mm/s.

The bridging test. Photos courtesy of the 3D Printing Industry.

Tests regarding tower and width were also carried out to figure out the M5C’s maximum 3D printing dimensions. The tower part was able to reach dimensions of 45.1 x 45 x 249.5 mm, almost achieving the 3D print’s maximum build height (250 mm). The M5C also demonstrated good consistency in surface quality, with no differences from the top to the bottom.

The width test part measured 219.4 x 220 mm, free from any warping or defects around the edges. Thus, it is evident that the M5C is capable of successfully 3D printing close to its maximum horizontal dimensions.

Tower and width tests. Photos by 3D Printing Industry.

An overhang test was also conducted to determine the 3D printer’s maximum printable overhang angle without supports. The test pieces consist of 6 overhangs each, increasing in increments of five degrees from 40° to 65°.

Overhangs under 55° 3D printed quite well, however the 60° and 65° overhangs failed with noticeable gaps between layers. As the parts were printed at the standard 250 mm/s speed, we view these results as very good. Slower speeds would allow for more cooling, improving the overhangs.

Overhang tests. Photos by 3D Printing Industry.

We next conducted a retraction test, the results of which were quite impressive. There was no stringing or artifacts present, apart from some wisping at the top. This is due to the M5C hot nozzle temperatures and the direct drive mechanism, which enable more control over filament extrusion.

We also conducted our in-house 3D Printing Industry (3DPI) benchmarking test, which includes a variety of different tests in one model. 3D printed in PLA+. This test was repeated three times using the M5C’s normal, precision and fast profiles. The M5C performed well here, except within the accuracy test.

The contrasts among these three 3D prints mainly lie in overhang capability and the proficiency to 3D print with high negative precision. Interestingly, the fast profile unveiled the best negative precision results, boasting the capacity to 3D print a 0.15 mm negative precision, as opposed to the 0.2 mm achieved by the other two profiles. The single impediment we experienced with the speedy 3D print was its poor overhang capacity and surface quality, as this profile formed visible pits on the outer layer.

The precision examination proved to be the superior performer in terms of overhangs. This was anticipated since the extruded filament was exposed to the cooling fan for a relatively longer period compared to the speedier 3D prints.

3DPI trials were conducted for the regular, speedy, and precise profiles, courtesy of the 3D Printing Industry.

A test for minuscule and precise parts was also executed to measure if the M5C could print a dual-part functional nut and bolt model with extremely small dimensions and tolerances. The 3D printer fared well in this regard, constructing a part without any hindrance, even at a 0.2 mm layer height.

Trials of minuscule and precise parts were carried out, with photos curated by the 3D Printing Industry.

Application tests

Our team also conducted a number of tests to assess how well the M5C handles different materials and real-world use cases.

We first 3D printed an extendable ax model, taking 10 hrs and 45 mins in the 3D printer’s normal mode. The surface quality of this part was quite impressive, however there were sections where the 3D printer traveled outside the model’s 3D printing zone. This created thin artifact lines on the surface of the part. 

AnkerMake M5C Extendable ax model. Photo by 3D Printing Industry.

We next 3D printed a planetary gear using PLA, a functional part which includes a lot of high tolerances. When we first previewed the model at 0.20 mm layer height, the gap between the rings was not sufficiently distanced by the slicer. We therefore lowered the layer height so that the slicer would leave a gap. After 3D printing, the model fused and required some manipulation to free the gears. Overall, the quality was good, with the gear system moving smoothly with no excess friction.

AnkerMake M5C Planetary gear 3D print. Photo by 3D Printing Industry.

Again using PLA, we 3D printed two typical hobbyist miniature models using the 0.2 mm diameter nozzle. These parts were impressive, both possessing a smooth and consistent surface finish with no noticeable ringing.

Figurine and Castle models. Photos by 3D Printing Industry.

A Voronoi tower was also 3D printed in PLA+ to evaluate the M5C’s capability in handling intricate prints with numerous overhangs. This model was 3D printed thrice, each using a different profile (fast, precision, and normal).

The M5C 3D printed these models without any visible defects or failed supports. All details were kept intact across all three profiles, and the overall quality was commendable for each instance. This displays the M5C’s skill to swiftly 3D print complex models without substantial compromise on quality.

A Voronoi tower was printed in three profiles, namely fast, precision, and normal. The images are sourced from the 3D Printing Industry.

In conclusion, a functional pipe fixture was 3D printed using a composite material, Nylon-Carbon Fiber. A hardened steel nozzle with 0.4 mm diameter was utilized to print this part.

This part 3D printed very well on the first try, using the default profile that comes with AnkerMake slicer. There was some stringing that was seen while printing the part, but this was easily cleaned after some post processing, and did not significantly impact the 3D print quality.

We were impressed by the M5C’s composite material compatibility, as this expands the 3D printer’s customer base beyond hobbyists to the intermediate market.

Final verdict

Generally speaking, the M5C is a notable choice for an FDM 3D printer due to its cost-effectiveness and user-friendly features. It provides a decent 3D printing speed and quality. This 3D printer is designed with beginners in mind, granting an easy gateway into the world of desktop 3D printing. Notably, its 300℃ nozzle broadens the spectrum of its material compatibility, hence increasing the versatility of this 3D printer for users at the intermediate level.

In the course of our testing, the reliability of the M5C was a distinct highlight. Surprisingly, we didn’t face any failed 3D prints or detect any sensor-related issues. Plus, the M5C consistently lived up to its promise of manufacturing high-grade parts. 

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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