Ricoh and Siemens collaborate in 3D printing news, unveiling programable microstructures and medicated ear implants.


Nature Communications recently published an exciting paper that presents a groundbreaking method to enhance the properties of powder bed fusion parts during heat treatment. The study was conducted by a team of researchers from Singapore’s A stars, NTU, and the Paul Scherrer Institute, among others. What’s fascinating about this research is that the team successfully developed a way to program the recrystallization behavior of the powder, thereby manipulating the microstructure to achieve better part properties.

In another remarkable development, Hannover Medical School utilized Desktop Health’s 3D Bioplotter to create a medicated ear implant. This implant serves as a stent for patients who have narrowing of the auditory canal. This innovative application demonstrates the potential of 3D printing in the medical field, where personalized solutions can be tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

Furthermore, Ricoh and Siemens have joined forces to develop the workflow for aluminum binder jet technology, with the aim of industrializing the process. This collaboration is expected to pave the way for large-scale production of aluminum parts using binder jetting, marking another milestone in the advancement of 3D printing technology.

If you’re interested in staying informed about the latest news and updates from the 3D printing industry, as well as gaining access to exclusive information and offers from third-party vendors, make sure to keep yourself up-to-date. The field of 3D printing is evolving at a rapid pace, and it’s crucial to stay informed and connected to ensure you don’t miss out on any significant developments.

In conclusion, these recent advancements in the 3D printing industry highlight the continuous progress being made in this field. From programming microstructures to improve part properties, to creating personalized medical implants, to industrializing new printing technologies, the possibilities seem endless. As the industry continues to grow and innovate, it’s essential for individuals and businesses alike to remain updated on the latest trends and breakthroughs.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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