Roboze collaborates with RusselSmith to introduce additive manufacturing to Nigeria’s oil and gas industry.


Energy services provider RusselSmith recently received approval from the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) to deploy its industrial non-metallic additive manufacturing solution within the Nigerian oil and gas sector. This approval is a significant milestone for Nigeria’s energy sector as it embraces digitalization and technological innovation.

RusselSmith’s additive manufacturing solution utilizes advanced 3D printing technology to create functional, corrosion-resistant industrial components locally. This approach is faster and more cost-effective than traditional methods, saving time and reducing carbon footprints. By teaming up with Roboze, RusselSmith not only addresses supply chain challenges but also fosters technological innovation in Nigerian manufacturing.

The adoption of additive manufacturing represents a significant step forward in addressing supply chain challenges in Africa. Many industries on the continent, including manufacturing, oil and gas, medicine, and transportation, rely heavily on part manufacturers worldwide. RusselSmith’s solution leverages high-performance materials to create finished parts that are resistant to material degradation and corrosion, making them suitable for extreme conditions.

With the approval from the NUPRC, RusselSmith is poised to accelerate the development of best practices for industrial 3D printing in the Nigerian oil and gas industry. The company aims to build a digital supply chain across Africa, starting with the Nigerian market.

In addition to RusselSmith, other companies in the oil and gas sector are also embracing 3D printing technology. Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Technology (SBOT) recently acquired a large-format 3D printer to meet customer demands for metal parts in the oil and gas sector. KOSO Kent Introl, a UK valve parts manufacturer, partnered with Renishaw to explore the benefits of additive manufacturing.

The future of 3D printing in the next ten years holds great potential for the additive manufacturing sector. It will be essential to tackle engineering challenges and continue innovating to meet industry demands for innovation, energy efficiency, and carbon reduction.

As the 3D printing industry continues to evolve, it is crucial to stay updated with the latest news and developments. Subscribing to newsletters, following industry experts on social media, and attending industry events are ways to stay informed.

If you are interested in a career in the additive manufacturing industry, explore job opportunities on platforms dedicated to 3D printing jobs.

In conclusion, the approval received by RusselSmith to deploy its additive manufacturing solution in the Nigerian oil and gas sector represents a significant step forward for the energy sector in embracing digitalization and technological innovation. This innovative approach to manufacturing has the potential to revolutionize supply chains, improve production processes, and drive operational efficiency in the African continent and beyond.

Title: Unveiling the Untold Story: The Lucrative Oil and Gas Industry


Deep beneath the Earth’s surface lies a world of untapped potential: the oil and gas industry. It’s an arena where fortunes are made, power dynamics are shaped, and resource scarcity fuels intense competition. Today, we embark on a journey to delve into this intriguing sector, exploring its mysteries, challenges, and undeniable allure.

A Captivating Encounter:

Once upon a time, in a realm shrouded by secrecy, I found myself in the midst of industry giants, visionary leaders, and a stunning vantage point to witness the wheels of progress turning. A photograph taken by RusselSmith, a master in capturing captivating moments, immortalized this encounter, forever etching it in my memory.

The Oil Industry: A Well-Fueled Powerhouse:

As we unravel the story behind this mesmerizing image, we find ourselves immersed in the energy-rich world of oil. This black gold, extracted from deep reserves within the Earth’s crust, has been a driving force for economies worldwide. The photograph symbolizes the scale and magnitude of the oil industry, as towering infrastructures and snaking pipelines span across the frame.

Behind this facade of monetary abundance, however, lies an industry grappling with the ever-pressing concern of environmental sustainability. Our journey into the oil sector compels us to navigate the complexities surrounding the extraction process, the ecological impacts, and the ongoing quest for greener alternatives. By understanding these challenges, we can collectively strive for a more balanced and sustainable future.

The Gas Sector: Illuminating the Path Ahead:

Within this vast landscape, another crucial entity awaits our attention: the gas sector. Illuminated in this captivating photograph, pipes and valves serve as conduits for the invisible power that heats our homes, fuels our industries, and propels technological advancements. As we delve deeper, the remnants of flaring gas remind us of the ongoing strive to minimize waste and harness its true potential.

The Logic Behind a Different Perspective:

The uniqueness of this blog post lies not only in the narrative but also in its presentation. Departing from the conventional format, which emphasizes analytical approaches, this reimagined blog post seeks to engage readers with a more personal and immersive experience. By weaving together anecdotes, captivating imagery, and thought-provoking storytelling, we aim to provide a new lens through which to explore the oil and gas sector’s multifaceted nature.

Conclusion: Decoding the Untold Story

As we uncover the layers of the oil and gas industry, we realize that its story is not one-dimensional. It is a tapestry woven with ambition, promises, and dilemmas. By embracing a fresh perspective and recognizing the industry’s challenges, we can work together towards sustainable global energy solutions. Ultimately, it is through storytelling, like this unique blog post, that we shed light on the untold narratives, inspiring change and shaping the future of the oil and gas sector.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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