Stephan Körber, the CEO, and Mathias Czasny, the CTO, of Endless Industries, are revolutionizing composite manufacturing, as stated in the interview.


Endless Industries: Revolutionizing Composite Manufacturing

Formnext 2023 saw the emergence of Endless Industries, a dynamic start-up that aims to redefine the composite manufacturing industry. The founders, Stephan Körber, Mathias Czasny, and Moritz Ebeling-Rump, have a clear vision of integrating advanced additive manufacturing technology with composite manufacturing techniques. With a passion for technology and business, Körber recognized the untapped potential in university-developed technologies.

Czasny, a material scientist and the firm’s CTO, has been driven by the challenge of simplifying the labor-intensive traditional composite manufacturing process. He emphasized the contrast between additive manufacturing and traditional methods, pointing out the complexity, time, and cost involved in traditional composite industries.

The trio recognized the opportunity to combine their expertise and ambition to revolutionize composite manufacturing. With funding and support, Endless Industries was born. Their goal is to explore the possibilities of composite manufacturing with their robust roadmap and initial customers onboard.

Endless Industries takes a different approach by focusing on augmenting existing 3D printers with their advanced continuous fiber technology. Rather than developing a new printer from scratch, they aim to maximize the potential of current industrial-grade 3D printers. Their proprietary material, software, and patented nozzle capable of simultaneous carbon fiber and plastic processing set them apart.

Körber explained their strategic shift, stating, “There are already many great printers on the market that we could equip with our technology.” This realization prompted them to integrate their continuous fiber technology into existing machines, including robots and industrial production machines. They plan to provide the necessary materials, software, and expertise to ensure seamless compatibility.

One of the biggest challenges in composite fabrication is fiber cutting and material management. Endless Industries has patented a cutting mechanism located directly in the hotend, allowing them to cut only the carbon fiber without affecting the filament. This enables them to use thicker fiber bundles and increase output per hour. Additionally, their approach to material management simplifies the process for end-users.

On the software front, Endless Industries has developed a product that ensures precise layering of carbon fiber in parts. By pre-processing design data, they ensure that carbon fiber orientation aligns optimally with strength requirements. This benefits two customer groups: those seeking quick and easy printing solutions and composite engineers looking for fine-grained control for optimized applications.

Endless Industries aims to bring together the best of composite engineering, blending advanced additive manufacturing with traditional techniques. Their innovative approach and commitment to pushing the boundaries of composite manufacturing make them an exciting player in the industry. As they continue to explore the horizons of what’s possible, we can expect great things from Endless Industries.

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Endless Industries: Pushing the Boundaries of 3D Printing

In the world of advanced manufacturing, innovation is key. And Endless Industries is certainly no stranger to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. With their introduction of a novel 3D printing technique, they are redefining the future of composite part production.

What sets Endless Industries apart is their unique fiber-cutting method. Unlike traditional methods that rely on a spool and blade system, their approach is different. Mathias Czasny, the company’s CTO, explains, “In the hot end itself, it’s not a plate, it’s a cylinder which is movable, and there are two holes inside it, and if you turn the cylinder, the two holes are not aligned. So, you cut the fiber directly only by rotating the cylinder.”

This streamlined and efficient method of cutting fibers during printing offers a significant advantage. But that’s not all that sets Endless Industries apart. They also use mainly 3k carbon fiber, which means 3000 single fibers in a fiber bundle. Most competitors, on the other hand, typically utilize “1k or 1.5k for carbon fiber bundles,” or roughly 1000 to 1500 fibers per bundle.

This leap forward in fiber cutting and integration has the potential to optimize efficiency and precision in 3D printing processes, potentially setting new industry standards. But rather than competing with industry stalwarts, Endless Industries aims to collaborate and complement. Stephan Körber, the CEO, explains, “We’re more like technology providers. We provide the solution for other 3D printing companies.”

Endless Industries’ expertise in materials science is another aspect that sets them apart. They have delved deep into the potential of polymers and fibers to revolutionize 3D printing applications. For example, they recognized the need for more advanced polymers like Polycarbonate in the automotive industry as it transitions from combustion engines to electric motors.

They also understand the importance of natural fibers combined with naturally degradable plastics, with Körber stating, “We get lots of questions for natural fibers combined with naturally degradable plastics.” This combination not only offers an environmental edge but also opens up possibilities for recyclability.

But it’s not just about the materials themselves. Endless Industries has also tackled challenges in other sectors, such as the rail industry. Czasny explains, “Carbon fiber is not the right material choice” for certain applications. By understanding the specific needs of different industries and tailoring their materials and techniques accordingly, Endless Industries is able to provide comprehensive solutions.

Endless Industries is truly at the forefront of additive manufacturing, catering to both the mass market and specialist engineers. Their innovative approach, combined with their emphasis on collaboration and adapting to specific industry needs, positions them as a key player in redefining the future of composite part production. As they continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible, it will be exciting to see what other advancements they bring to the world of 3D printing.

In today’s rapidly evolving world of additive manufacturing, choosing the right materials for 3D printing is critical. The goal is not just to create functional and cost-effective products, but also to ensure safety and longevity. One company that understands the importance of material choice is Endless Industries.

Endless Industries, a pioneer in continuous fiber 3D printing, is focused on incorporating flame-retardant materials with higher temperature resistance into their products. By utilizing glass fiber and modified polyamides, they are able to create materials that are not only durable, but also resistant to potential fumes in various applications, including train cabins.

Marcin Czasny, a key member at Endless Industries, emphasizes the importance of using the right materials for additive manufacturing. The company works closely with fiber and polymer manufacturers to develop their own compounds and enhance existing materials in the market. This dual-strategy approach allows them to leverage already available compounds, making the process much easier for them. However, Czasny acknowledges the challenges of merging polymers with fibers, due to the vast difference in viscosity between the two materials. Extensive knowledge of chemistry and physics is crucial to overcome these challenges and achieve optimal bond strength.

Under the leadership of CEO Stephan Körber, Endless Industries has successfully achieved material production on a limited scale and is in the process of developing a larger machine. While remaining tight-lipped about their partnering company, Körber hints at the scale of their collaboration, referring to “big machines” with a half-meter build volume. These high-quality machines, coupled with the company’s ambition for growth and international recognition, have already generated significant revenue for Endless Industries.

Körber emphasizes the company’s commitment to versatility and choice, both in terms of manufacturing capabilities and business partnerships. They are open to collaborations with industrial-grade 3D printing manufacturers and robotic 3D printing, recognizing the potential of a multi-dimensional approach to expand the capabilities of their technology.

To showcase their latest advancements, Endless Industries will be participating in the upcoming Formnext event. CEO Stephan Körber is excited to demonstrate their continuous fiber 3D printing technology and its capabilities to the attendees. As part of their five-year plan, Endless Industries aims to become the go-to entity in the continuous fiber 3D printing sector, offering a one-stop shop for all related products and services.

The immense potential of high-strain materials, such as carbon fiber plus PEEK, is not lost on Körber. He sees a market demand for these materials, particularly in the aerospace industry, where Airbus is already incorporating 50% carbon fiber materials in their Airbus 350. Körber also highlights the importance of thermoplastic technologies, which offer greater recyclability compared to thermoset materials.

While the technology and applications in the continuous fiber 3D printing sector continue to evolve, quantifying the market size is still a challenge. However, Endless Industries is confident in the potential of their technology and aims to be one of the giants in the field. With their focus on material advancements, versatile manufacturing capabilities, and commitment to customer satisfaction, it seems they are well on their way to achieving their goals.

The future of 3D printing is a topic that has been discussed extensively in recent years. The potential of this technology is enormous, with applications ranging from medicine to aerospace. However, measuring this potential is not an easy task, as Dr. Mathias Czasny from Endless Industries explained. He emphasized the complexity of measuring potential, especially when comparing 3D printing to traditional methods such as injection molding.

Endless Industries recently participated in Formnext, a leading trade fair for additive manufacturing. Stephan Körber, another member of the team, expressed his enthusiasm about being a part of this industry community and the valuable insights they gain from regular meetings. He stated, “It’s cool to be a part of, and we’re really happy and looking forward to it.”

If you want to learn more about Endless Industries and their innovative approach to 3D printing, make sure to visit them during Formnext 2023. You can find them in Hall 11.1, booth D31.

Looking towards the future, there are several engineering challenges that need to be tackled in the additive manufacturing sector in the coming decade. These challenges include improving the quality and efficiency of 3D printed objects, developing new materials and techniques, and addressing issues such as post-processing and sustainability.

To stay up to date with the latest news in the world of 3D printing, don’t forget to subscribe to the 3D Printing Industry newsletter or follow them on Twitter or Facebook. You can also check out their Youtube channel, which features discussions, debriefs, video shorts, and webinar replays.

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in the additive manufacturing industry, be sure to visit 3D Printing Jobs. They have a selection of roles available in the industry for you to explore.

In conclusion, the future of 3D printing holds great promise, but it comes with its own set of challenges. By staying informed and engaged with the industry, we can contribute to its growth and development.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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