Tali Rosman joins us for episode 11 of “Printing Money,” where we delve into the world of additive manufacturing mergers and acquisitions and venture capital.


Hey there, 3D printing enthusiasts! We’ve got a unique twist for you today. Rather than writing this blog post in the traditional format, we’re going to switch things up a bit and present the story as a dialogue between our hosts.

Alex: Hey everyone! Welcome back to another exciting episode of the podcast. Today, we have a special guest with us, Tali Rosman, a start-up advisor and corporate strategy consultant in the 3D printing industry. Tali, it’s great to have you here!

Tali: Thanks, Alex! I’m thrilled to be here and share my insights on the latest happenings in the 3D printing world.

Danny: Excellent! Let’s dive right into it. We have some exciting mergers and acquisitions to discuss today. The first one on our list is the acquisition of i3D MFG by ERA Industries, a metal bureau provider.

Alex: That’s right, Danny. It seems like service bureaus are attracting a lot of attention in the M&A space. Another notable acquisition is Rapid Processing Solutions being acquired by GoEngineer. The polymers sector is experiencing some interesting consolidation right now.

Tali: Absolutely. It’s fascinating to see the dynamics at play in these deals. But let’s not forget about the VC world, where we’re seeing some encouraging activity. Seurat recently raised a strong Series C round, and Mighty Buildings managed to secure an impressive $52 million in their Series B funding.

Danny: It’s always great to hear about successful funding rounds. Speaking of which, restor3D raised $29 million and closed their acquisition of Conformis. TrioLabs also secured $2.13 million in venture funding, and Haddy raised $3.5 million. It’s an exciting time for these companies.

Alex: Indeed! And let’s not overlook some of the less positive news in the public markets. Both voxeljet and SmileDirectClub are reevaluating their positions and facing an unclear future. Voxeljet, in particular, will be reviewing strategic alternatives. It’ll be interesting to see how these situations unfold.

Tali: Definitely. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows in the 3D printing industry. But now, let’s wrap up by acknowledging Israel. The country has been making significant contributions to the field of 3D printing, and it’s important to recognize their impact.

And there you have it – the same story, but presented in a different format. We hope you enjoyed this unique approach to our blog post. Stay tuned for more exciting updates from the 3D printing industry, and remember, this content is for informational purposes only.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or RSS, and stay up-to-date with the latest news and offers from third-party vendors.

Happy 3D printing!

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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