The AL250, which is Aurora Labs’ advanced successor to the RMP-1, is being introduced.


Aurora Labs has just unveiled their latest innovation in the field of metal 3D printing – the AL250. This Australian company has been relatively quiet in recent years, but they’ve been hard at work developing the AL250 as a successor to their original device, the RMP-1.

What sets Aurora Labs apart from other manufacturers is their unique approach to the traditional Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) process. Their goal is to 3D print one tonne of metal in just 24 hours, and they’ve come up with a secret sauce to achieve this. Their parallel recoating system allows for multiple layers to be put down during each recoating sweep, with the layers slightly staggered. This enables multiple lasers to start working on the layers as soon as they appear. This parallel approach is not seen in any other LPBF manufacturer and has the potential for scalability.

The AL250 has several refinements compared to its predecessor, the RMP-1. The main difference lies in temperature control. The recoating system now includes a “dosing system” that pre-heats the powder to ensure more consistent spreading and densifying, resulting in higher quality parts. Additionally, the build plate of the AL250 is now heated to 200C, allowing for the use of a wider range of metal powders.

One significant improvement in the new machine is the bidirectional recoating system. This means that there is no longer any waiting time for the recoater arm to reposition on the “correct” side before applying the next layer. Instead, the recoating can happen in a continuous left-right-left-right sequence, speeding up the overall printing process. Few other LPBF manufacturers have adopted this bidirectional recoating method, which is impressive considering that Aurora Labs’ recoating system is already complex on its own.

Aurora Labs shares that the AL250 comes with a build chamber of 250 x 250 x 300 mm and utilizes 1500W lasers with a spot diameter of only 0.075mm. These specifications highlight the precision and high-quality output that can be achieved with their printer.

With the AL250, Aurora Labs continues to push the boundaries of metal 3D printing, showcasing their commitment to innovation and advancement in the industry. This new printer’s improved temperatures, bidirectional recoating system, and larger build chamber make it an exciting addition to their lineup and a promising option for those in need of high-quality metal 3D printing capabilities.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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