The Bambu Lab P1S 3D Printer Review showcases ultra-fast and multicolor 3D printing capabilities.


Bambu Lab: Redefining the 3D Printing Industry

In a market saturated with stagnant consumer additive manufacturing (AM) options, Bambu Lab has emerged as a force to be reckoned with. With their groundbreaking innovations in active vibration compensation, input shaping, and record-breaking print speeds, Bambu Lab has quickly become the company to beat in the 3D printing industry. One of their latest offerings, the P1S, aims to provide a more affordable alternative to their flagship X1 Carbon. Intrigued by the buzz surrounding Bambu Lab, we decided to put the P1S to the test and give you our honest thoughts.

As any 3D printing enthusiast knows, the unboxing and setup process can make or break a printer experience. Upon receiving the P1S, we were greeted with an assortment of tools and a helpful pamphlet with step-by-step instructions on how to properly unbox and set up the printer. While the process was a bit more challenging than we had anticipated, requiring the removal of screws and the installation of tubing and LCD screen connections, we were eventually able to get the system up and running within a reasonable timeframe of 30 to 45 minutes.

Once the printer and automatic material station (AMS) were ready, we connected to the P1S using Bambu Lab’s convenient Bambu Handy app. The app guided us through the setup process, which included a self-diagnostic test and active vibration compensation testing. From this point onwards, our experience with the P1S was mostly smooth sailing.

When it comes to printing with the P1S, users have two options: connect to the printer via Bambu Lab’s slicer software, Bambu Studio, or choose from a selection of pre-loaded prints on the machine. Bambu Studio proved to be a pleasure to work with, offering an intuitive interface that provided ample control and insight into the printer’s status and operations. Although the camera feed can be slow at times, this minor inconvenience is acceptable in the context of an affordable consumer printer.

However, the P1S does have one notable drawback—the user interface (UI). Equipped with a low-resolution, monochrome LCD controlled by a directional pad, the UI feels outdated and clunky compared to the rest of the machine. Luckily, the comprehensive Bambu Studio and Bambu Handy applications provide a viable alternative, allowing users to bypass the UI if desired.

The true test of any 3D printer lies in its performance. To gauge the P1S’s capabilities, we started with a classic Benchy print. Thanks to the printer’s automatic bed leveling feature, printing with Bambu Lab’s PLA at Standard speed resulted in a high-quality Benchy within approximately 25 minutes. However, the real excitement began when we activated Ludicrous Mode—the printer’s fastest speed setting. Reprinting the Benchy at Ludicrous Mode took a mere 12 minutes, showcasing the P1S’s mind-boggling speed and precision. In all my years working with 3D printers, I’ve never seen a machine move at such incredible speeds—it was truly a sight to behold.

In conclusion, Bambu Lab and their P1S printer have undoubtedly made a significant impact on the 3D printing industry. With their innovative features, competitive price point, and exceptional print speeds, it’s clear why Bambu Lab has quickly risen to prominence. Although the setup process may pose a minor challenge and the user interface could use some improvement, these issues pale in comparison to the printer’s impressive performance. If you’re in the market for a reliable and groundbreaking 3D printer, the Bambu Lab P1S is a worthy contender.

Note: This blog post is a rewrite of the original, maintaining the story and logic while presenting the information in a different style.

Introducing the Bambu Lab P1S, the 3D printer that will revolutionize your printing experience. With its highly optimized machine, print quality is top-notch, leaving little room for disappointment. But what truly sets this printer apart is its Advanced Material System (AMS). The AMS is a game-changer when it comes to ease of use. Simply place your filament in one of the four slots and let the printer take care of the rest. No more hassle or hands-on management required.

One of the most exciting features of the P1S is its ability to achieve multicolor printing. With a four-material AMS and the Coloring tool in Bambu Studio, you have the freedom to choose which parts of your model will be printed in which color. Though some models may require more effort in coloring, the end result is worth it. Once your model is successfully colored, sit back and relax as the AMS automatically switches materials and colors as specified in the slicer software. It’s a hands-off experience that yields beautiful, colorful prints.

However, there are a few downsides to consider. Filament waste is a major concern, as the machine purges a significant amount of plastic on each material change. This waste is ejected out of the back of the printer, which may seem crude but is an effective solution. Additionally, occasional errors with material switching can result in paused prints. Luckily, these errors can be resolved by retrying the material change. It’s important to note that multi-material printing does add significant time to your print, so patience is required.

Another highlight of the P1S is its compatibility with third-party filaments. While Bambu Lab recommends using their own line of materials, experimenting with third-party PLA had no noticeable impact on print quality or speed. In fact, even multi-material prints using a combination of Bambu Lab and third-party filament turned out with no issues. As long as your third-party material fits inside the AMS, you’re good to go.

The Bambu Lab P1S may have its drawbacks, such as a low-grade user interface, but its printing capabilities are undeniably impressive. Its fast printing speed is hard to comprehend, and the combination of speed, quality, ease of use, and affordability make it a highly recommended printer for anyone in the market.

In the end, what makes a good 3D printer is subjective and depends on individual preferences. Whether you prioritize dimensional accuracy, print speed, or the ability to work with industrial-grade materials, the Bambu Lab P1S ticks all the boxes. It’s a machine that truly serves its purpose and delivers outstanding results.

If you want to stay up-to-date on the latest news in the 3D printing industry and receive information and offers from third-party vendors, be sure to keep an eye out for updates. The world of 3D printing is evolving rapidly, and the Bambu Lab P1S is at the forefront of this exciting revolution.

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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