The Caltech team utilizes additive manufacturing to fabricate structures that are as small as viruses.


Caltech researchers have recently made a groundbreaking achievement in the field of 3D printing at the nanoscale. Led by Julia R. Greer and her team, they have successfully created metal objects with a size of 150 nanometers, which is comparable to the size of the flu virus.

What makes this accomplishment even more remarkable is the unconventional approach the researchers took. Instead of aiming for perfection in the atomic arrangements of the metal structures, they embraced disorder. Surprisingly, this resulted in nanosized metal parts that are three-to-five times stronger than their counterparts with more ordered atomic structures.

The process begins with a photosensitive hydrogel “cocktail” that is selectively hardened with a laser to create a 3D scaffold mimicking the desired metal object’s shape. These hydrogel structures are then infused with nickel ions, baked to remove the hydrogel, and chemically stripped of oxygen atoms to convert the metal oxide back into a metallic form.

The end result is metal structures filled with defects, which would typically be considered flaws. However, at the nanoscale, these defects play a crucial role in preventing catastrophic failures. They distribute deformation evenly throughout the material, enhancing its overall strength.

Greer and her team are excited about the potential applications of this technique. They believe it opens the door for 3D printing metal structures at the nanoscale for various purposes, including catalysts, storage electrodes, sensors, and even microrobots.

This discovery challenges conventional wisdom in the field of material science. It demonstrates that imperfections can sometimes be a feature rather than a flaw. By intentionally introducing defects into the metal structures, the researchers are able to enhance their strength and durability.

The research paper detailing this breakthrough, titled “Suppressed Size Effect in Nanopillars with Hierarchical Microstructures Enabled by Nanoscale Additive Manufacturing,” has been published in the journal Nano Letters. If you’re interested in delving deeper into the technical aspects of this research, I encourage you to read it.

Finally, we would love to hear your thoughts on this groundbreaking achievement. You can leave your comments on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages. And be sure to sign up for our weekly additive manufacturing newsletter to stay up-to-date with all the latest advancements in this exciting field.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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