The CMF 3D printing process by Sintratec is being explored for its innovative capabilities.


In October 2023, Sintratec made headlines with their innovative approach to 3D printing. While they are best known for their selective laser sintering (SLS) system, they have now introduced a new method called Cold Metal Fusion (CMF) for creating metal parts.

Traditionally, SLS involves using a laser to fuse polymer particles together to form a desired shape. However, Sintratec has taken a unique approach with CMF. Instead of using standard polymer powder, they have developed a powder with polymer base and metal spikes. When the laser fuses the polymer, the resulting structure also contains metal bits. This process is conducted at a relatively low temperature, maintaining a build chamber temperature of around 50°C.

While SLS typically produces finished parts, CMF prints require significant post-processing. The first step is depowdering, as loose powder that didn’t fuse needs to be removed. This is where Sintratec’s approach differs from other cold metal 3D print processes. Instead of using simple binders, Sintratec’s CMF parts are still solid at this stage since they are essentially polymer prints. This allows for rough handling during depowdering, which can be done using a high-pressure water jet system.

After depowdering, the part goes through a specialized process involving acetone at higher temperatures to chemically remove most of the remaining polymer, leaving behind only the metal bits and a small amount of polymer. The final step is sintering the “brown” part in an oven, which takes approximately 10-15 hours. Once this is done, the parts are considered complete and ready for use.

CMF offers several advantages over traditional binder jet approaches to metal printing. The ability to produce solid green parts that can withstand rough handling during post-processing makes depowdering faster, easier, and less risky. This could make CMF particularly appealing to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) looking for a simpler way to manufacture small metal parts.

Overall, Sintratec’s CMF process represents an intriguing advancement in metal 3D printing. As the technology continues to develop, it has the potential to revolutionize the manufacturing industry and open up new possibilities for businesses of all sizes.

About the author: Kerry Stevenson, also known as “General Fabb,” has been a prominent figure in the 3D printing industry since 2007. He launched the platform Fabbaloo with the goal of promoting and expanding the reach of this incredible technology. With over 8,000 stories written on 3D printing, it’s safe to say his mission is well underway.

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