The inception of Czinger’s AI-designed supercar, manufactured through 3D printing, is merely the initial step.


Revolutionizing Manufacturing: Czinger’s Breakthrough in Automotive Innovation

California sports car maker Czinger is making waves in the automotive industry with its groundbreaking 21C hybrid supercar. But the company’s achievements go far beyond just setting lap records. With plans to deliver the 21C to customers later this year, Czinger is also forging partnerships with automotive and aerospace companies to utilize its innovative manufacturing techniques. Not to mention, there are ambitious plans to expand its manufacturing capabilities over the next decade.

So, what sets the 21C apart and fuels the interest of outside investors? The answer lies in the car’s construction process. Czinger employs 3D printing and additive manufacturing, using lasers and metal dust to create parts that are otherwise impossible to manufacture. Moreover, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in designing components that are not only lightweight but also exceptionally strong. By leveraging these cutting-edge technologies, Czinger has been able to build the 21C supercar, which carries a price tag of around $2 million.

Interestingly, Czinger is not stopping at producing cars for its own brand. The company’s manufacturing arm, along with parent company Divergent, is now venturing into producing parts for other companies. Established automotive giants like Aston Martin and Mercedes, as well as over 30 aerospace companies, are availing themselves of Czinger’s expertise in precision manufacturing. General Atomics is the latest company to partner with Divergent, underscoring the broad appeal of Czinger’s techniques.

Kevin Czinger, founder and CEO of Czinger, recently showcased the C21 at a media event in Lower Manhattan. The display drew a significant crowd, particularly intrigued children who were both shocked and delighted by the cutting-edge vehicle. Czinger shed light on the design and construction process of the C21’s bespoke parts. Leveraging AI, the components are created to meet strict crash-safety and durability requirements while emphasizing performance through lightweighting. Subsequently, 3D printers and additive manufacturing printers fabricate these components, referred to by Czinger as “LEGO blocks.” The next step involves a robotic octopus-like system that assembles these parts together, using laser welding and gluing techniques. Czinger refers to this assembly method as a “digital assembly system,” as it deviates from traditional assembly line processes.

Czinger’s Chief Operating Officer, Lukas Czinger, emphasizes that the company is not just focused on manufacturing cars but also on being a materials and additive manufacturing company. Lukas points to the rear of the car, showcasing the intricate design of the rear subframe, which encompasses the engine, suspension, and various other structural and cooling elements. This area alone represents approximately 450 patents, with the entire system boasting roughly 650 patents.

As the demand for custom 3D-printed parts grows, driven by both Czinger’s 80 supercar customers and external clients, the company is faced with the need to expand rapidly. Alongside its existing facilities in Torrance, California, near Los Angeles International Airport, Czinger plans to construct an additional 30 facilities by the end of the decade. These facilities will enable Czinger and Divergent to design, fabricate, and produce custom parts on a larger scale.

With over $700 million raised to date, Czinger and Divergent have the necessary capital to fuel their ambitious plans for growth. However, it is worth keeping an eye on their continued progress and whether they can maintain their momentum as they enter this new phase of expansion.

In summary, Czinger’s approach to automotive manufacturing is revolutionizing the industry. By leveraging 3D printing, additive manufacturing, and AI, the company has created a supercar that pushes the boundaries of performance and design. Moreover, by partnering with established automotive and aerospace companies, Czinger is poised to make an even larger impact. As they set their sights on expanding their manufacturing capabilities, Czinger’s future seems promising and full of exciting possibilities.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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