The installation of Guatemala’s first earthquake-proof house, which was also 3D printed, has been completed.


The Advancements of Concrete 3D Printing in Latin America

Over the past few months, we have seen numerous projects utilizing concrete 3D printing to construct housing. This revolutionary technology has now made its way to Guatemala, as the first 3D printed house in the country has been officially installed. Progreso X, the corporate accelerator of Progreso, a leading industrial concrete company in Central and South America, inaugurated this groundbreaking project. The Danish group 3DCP, using the BOD2 concrete 3D printer from COBOD International, played a crucial role in making this project possible. The BOD2 is one of the most widely used concrete additive manufacturing machines in the world and has been employed in various projects across the USA, Canada, and Mexico.

The Latin American region is witnessing rapid growth in 3D printing, particularly in the field of construction. A notable example is the 3D printed housing community in Mexico, which offers homes for families in need. The recent accomplishment in Guatemala marks another significant milestone in the manufacturing of 3D printed structures. Plinio Estuardo Herrera, the Concrete R&D Manager at Progreso, expressed his satisfaction with the project, stating, “With immense satisfaction, we completed this unique project using 3D printing technology, once deemed distant.”

The 3D printed house in Guatemala is made up of walls reaching a height of 3 meters (9 feet). The entire structure was constructed in just seven days, with a printing time of only 26 hours. This innovative technique allows for the creation of highly organic wall designs that would have been costly or even impossible using traditional concrete blocks, which are commonly used in the region. Plinio Estuardo Herrera added, “Progreso’s enduring spirit of innovation led us to explore new methods, culminating in a collaboratively designed building featuring a sustainable ‘rancho’ roof, ensuring natural cooling in seismic regions. This achievement, a testament to our teamwork, harmoniously blends advanced technology with local traditions, thanks to the unwavering support of 3DCP Group and COBOD.”

Furthermore, this project has made significant progress in validating the structural feasibility of 3D printing technology in earthquake-prone regions. It not only showcases Guatemala’s foray into advanced construction techniques on a global scale but also highlights the close collaboration between Guatemala and Denmark’s 3DCP group. The 3DCP group is renowned for its contributions to 3D printing, including the construction of the first school in Ukraine as part of the country’s reconstruction efforts. This partnership implies that there will be more collaborative projects in the future.

The construction of this particular house in Guatemala took a mere 26 hours. Philip Lund-Nielsen, co-founder and Americas head of COBOD, commended the accomplishment, stating, “The completion of Guatemala’s first 3D printed house, satisfying all seismic requirements, marks a significant milestone for construction 3D printing across Latin America.” Lund-Nielsen’s sentiments are justified, as we anticipate witnessing new and exciting construction projects taking place throughout Latin America. This will further demonstrate the invaluable contribution of 3D printing technology in regions prone to seismic activity.

To learn more about Guatemala’s first 3D printed house, you can read COBOD’s press release [here]( Share your thoughts on this incredible achievement in the comments below or on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter pages! Don’t miss out on the latest 3D printing news – sign up for our free weekly Newsletter [here]( and receive the latest updates straight to your inbox. You can also check out all our videos on our YouTube channel.

*All Photo Credits: Progreso / COBOD

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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