The latest news on 3D printing includes Nigerian oil fields, the use of 3D printing in medicine, and advancements in printing brain cells.


Breaking News: Nigerian Company RusselSmith Group Harnesses Cutting-Edge 3D Printing Technology to Revolutionize Oil Field Services

In a groundbreaking move, Nigerian oilfield services firm RusselSmith Group has received approval from the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) to utilize the latest advancements in 3D printing technology for their oil field services MRO. This innovative move is set to transform the industry and propel Nigeria to the forefront of technological advancements in the oil and gas sector.

RusselSmith Group has partnered with Roboze, a leading company specializing in material extrusion platforms, to incorporate PEEK 3D printed parts into their operations. This integration of 3D printing technology will allow RusselSmith Group to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their oil field services, providing a significant boost to the sector.

Furthermore, researchers at the esteemed University of Oxford have made groundbreaking progress in the field of 3D printing by successfully creating neural cells using a droplet-based piezo-electric 3D printing system. By replicating the cellular structure of mice cerebral cortex cells, this achievement opens up a realm of possibilities for medical advancements and neuroscience research.

Not only is 3D printing revolutionizing the oil and gas industry, but it is also finding applications in the pharmaceutical sector. Finnish startup CurifyLabs has recently launched a GMP compliant drug 3D printer using innovative inks. This technology allows hospitals and compounding pharmacies to create customized drug formulations, providing personalized treatment options for patients.

According to a report by Lexology, titled “Innovation Trends in Additive Manufacturing” by the European Patent Office (EPO), the global landscape of 3D printing patents has witnessed exponential growth. Between 2013 and 2020, the number of international patent families (IPFs) in 3D printing increased at an average rate of 26.3%, significantly outpacing all other technologies combined. This growth is a testament to the immense potential and widespread adoption of 3D printing in various industries.

The United States leads the pack in 3D printing patents, accounting for 39.8% of all registered IPFs. Europe follows closely behind with a 32.9% share, with Germany leading on the continent with 41% of the total patents. Japan also holds a significant position with a 13.9% share. This global distribution of patents highlights the broad international interest and investment in 3D printing technologies.

While the growth of 3D printing patents is exciting, it also presents a potential limitation. With the rapid expansion of the technology, innovation might become constrained by the existing patent landscape. However, this challenge is likely to ignite greater creativity and novel approaches to further enhance the capabilities of 3D printing.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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