The Metal AM Terrain is charted in the Latest Survey by 6K Additive and AMR.


Metal additive manufacturing (AM) is a game-changer in today’s ever-evolving technological landscape. Its capabilities are revolutionizing industries across the board, from aerospace to medicine. To gain a deeper understanding of the current state and untapped potential of metal 3D printing, Additive Manufacturing Research (AMR) and 6K Additive have collaborated on a new Metal AM in 2023 survey.

This comprehensive survey aims to gather insights into the opportunities and challenges within the metal AM domain. By participating, contributors will be adding to a body of knowledge that can shape the future of metal AM. As an incentive, participants will receive a complimentary subscription to 3DPrint PRO articles, valued at $149 per year. This premium content offers profound insights into the business complexities of AM.

The Metal AM in 2023 survey seeks to collect information from a wide range of participants, including industry verticals and involvement with metal 3D printing. With an estimated 30 million metal parts produced globally via AM each year, understanding the contributions of each organization to this number is vital. Additionally, the survey gauges the usage of different metals in AM, as well as their suitability for diverse applications. This includes the growing use of refractory metals in areas like hypersonics, medical devices, and aerospace.

Proper management of unused or spent powder, failed builds, and scrap is crucial in the AM industry. The survey delves into how organizations handle additive manufacturing scrap compared to conventional scrap. It also explores the duration typically required to qualify a new material for applications and the key criteria organizations prioritize when purchasing materials.

Accurate data and market analysis are essential for informed decision-making. Organizations like AMR play a pivotal role in providing this vital information. Formerly known as SmarTech Analysis, AMR has been a powerhouse in market research for 3D printing and additive manufacturing for nearly a decade. Their comprehensive and regularly updated database is recognized as one of the industry’s most trusted sources of insights. Their services include industry reports and tailored consulting for clients like 3D Systems, HP, Autodesk, BASF, and Siemens.

In the metal AM landscape, companies like 6K Additive have also made their mark, particularly in producing high-quality metal powders. Their innovative approach focuses on sustainability through recycling, making them a key player in the AM materials sector. Using their proprietary UniMelt® platform, 6K Additive produces powders from sustainable sources, such as recycled metals and alloys. This not only ensures premium quality but also promotes a greener, more circular economy in the AM industry.

As the metal 3D printing sector continues to grow, collaborations like that between AMR and 6K Additive are crucial in making data-driven decisions. By bringing together industry viewpoints and sharing knowledge, the future of metal AM looks promising, with innovation and consistent progress in 3D printing.

If you’re interested in participating in this important exploration of the Metal AM landscape, you can access the survey here. Your responses will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of current practices, challenges, and opportunities in the Metal AM industry. Join the conversation and help shape the direction of the industry. Stay informed about the latest news from the 3D printing industry and receive exclusive information and offers from third-party vendors.

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