The partnership between restor3d and Formlabs is driving advancements in custom 3D printed surgical tools.


Breaking Boundaries in Surgical Innovation: 3D Printing Takes Center Stage

The world of surgery has long been dominated by familiar tools and methods. But a revolution is underway. Orthopedic surgeries, in particular, have faced challenges with the high costs of stainless steel instruments and the need for individualized approaches to patient anatomy. Amidst a sea of companies exploring new advancements, one company, restor3d, is standing out from the crowd. Collaborating with Formlabs, restor3d harnesses the power of 3D printing to produce patient-specific surgical instruments that offer a viable alternative to traditional tools that can cost up to $50,000 per tray.

The emergence of patient-specific solutions begs the question: why should surgeries still rely on a one-size-fits-all approach? Traditional stainless steel instrument trays come with exorbitant costs that can drain hospital coffers. Moreover, these outdated techniques have kept hospitals tethered to old practices. restor3d, on the other hand, relies on a fleet of 25 Formlabs 3D printers to bring forth a new wave of surgical tools. These tools are tailored to specific procedures and individual patients, resulting in significant reductions in supply chain expenses.

Central to this transformative process is the concept of biocompatibility. Formlabs offers medical device firms an array of biocompatible stereolithography (SLA) and selective laser sintering (SLS) materials. The BioMed Resins designed by Formlabs are specially crafted for medical professionals seeking high-performance, biocompatible materials for a range of applications. These materials are manufactured in an ISO 13485-certified facility, guaranteeing their quality and compatibility with standard disinfection and sterilization methods.

For Nathan Evans, Senior Vice President of Product Development at restor3d, working with Formlabs alleviates the time and cost burdens associated with biocompatibility tests. Approvals and testing that are already in place for biocompatibility, such as ISO 10993 testing, enable restor3d to enter the market faster and justify focused testing endpoints rather than the full spectrum of tests. The collaboration with Formlabs is, therefore, a vital element of restor3d’s success.

Although many surgeons have been hesitant to embrace new technologies due to their steadfast reliance on traditional training, witnessing their colleagues’ success with new tools is gradually changing their perspective. Erik Westerlund, a spine surgeon and director of the Hughston Spine Outcomes Lab at Hughston Clinic Orthopaedics in Georgia, is highly impressed with restor3d’s first-generation anterior cervical discectomy with fusion (ACDF) system. Westerlund highlights the transformative effect of having real instruments available within a matter of days instead of waiting weeks for prototypes. He believes that this rapid production capability completely revolutionizes possibilities in the field.

Scalability is another game-changer enabled by restor3d and Formlabs. With a variety of metal 3D printers, restor3d fabricates tooling and implants using cobalt, chrome, and titanium alloys. The company’s extensive facility boasts a fleet of Form 3B+ printers from Formlabs, responsible for producing single-use instruments and patient-specific devices. This scalable solution allows restor3d to match its manufacturing capabilities with growing demand. Instead of making a massive upfront investment of half a million dollars for a single metal printer, restor3d can gradually expand its Formlabs fleet in a sustainable and cost-effective manner.

restor3d’s approach to orthopedic oncology revolves around collaboration. Given the unique nature of every surgery in this field, the company relies on 3D printing and surgeons’ feedback to make quick adjustments. The planning phase plays a crucial role, especially considering the variations in each patient’s body. By utilizing Formlabs’ 3D printers, restor3d ensures greater accuracy in planning, resulting in shorter surgery times, reduced radiation risk, and faster patient recovery.

The surgical landscape is on the cusp of transformation, led by the innovative use of 3D printing technology. Companies like restor3d, in collaboration with Formlabs, are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of surgery. By leveraging patient-specific solutions, revolutionary biocompatible materials, and scalable manufacturing capabilities, these companies are paving the way for a future where surgical tools are tailored to each patient, improving outcomes, and revolutionizing the field of orthopedic surgery.

restor3D, a pioneer in 3D printing for the operating room, is pushing the boundaries of surgical technology with their single-use, procedure-specific tools. Not content with just this achievement, restor3D is also expanding their offerings to include foot and ankle operations, spinal surgeries, and a broader range of orthopedic applications.

One of the key advantages of restor3D’s approach is their commitment to insourcing, which allows them to be the fastest product on the market. By overseeing the entire production process in their new facility in Durham, North Carolina, they are able to ensure the highest quality and efficiency in their surgical tools.

The partnership between restor3D and Formlabs is a testament to the potential of 3D printing in delivering patient-specific surgical solutions. As medical technology continues to evolve, there is a growing emphasis on individualized care, and the ability to customize tools and procedures is a clear step in the right direction.

Gone are the days of a “one-size-fits-all” approach to surgeries. The innovations by restor3D and Formlabs, along with other forward-thinking companies in the industry, are paving the way for a new era of individualized care. By utilizing 3D printing technology, surgeons can now have tools that are specifically designed for each patient, leading to better outcomes and improved patient care.

It is clear that the surgical landscape is changing, and restor3D is at the forefront of this transformation. By developing innovative tools and expanding into new specialties, they are ensuring that hospitals have access to the most advanced and cost-effective solutions for their patients.

As the field of 3D printing continues to advance, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments. By keeping informed, healthcare professionals can ensure that they are providing the best possible care for their patients. Subscribe to our blog to receive the latest updates from the 3D printing industry and valuable information and offers from third-party vendors.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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