The shift towards desktop 3D printers brings uncertainty for resellers.


The high speed 3D printing revolution is taking the world by storm, but have you ever stopped to think about who might be left behind in this technological advancement? Resellers, that’s who.

Resellers are regional operations that work with manufacturers to distribute and support their products. They are the middlemen, the ones who make it possible for a manufacturer in one country to sell their equipment in another. But with the rise of affordable desktop 3D printers, resellers may find themselves facing a bleak future.

You see, most desktop operators don’t rely on resellers for support. They are more tech-savvy and are perfectly capable of fixing any issues themselves. They turn to online forums and communities for guidance and support. But when it comes to professional 3D printers used for business purposes, the need for support and service is crucial.

Resellers fill that need by offering service and support programs, allowing businesses to focus on their core operations. These resellers make money by marking up the expensive equipment and charging for annual maintenance contracts. But what happens when businesses can get the same functionality from a much cheaper machine?

If businesses can buy a printer for a fraction of the cost and don’t need the expensive maintenance contracts, resellers will suffer. They will lose out on their markup and their business model will collapse. This will also have a ripple effect on the 3D printer manufacturers themselves, who rely on resellers to sell and service their machines.

So, what can resellers do to adapt to this changing landscape? One option is to diversify and offer other products that are not subject to price collapse. This might help them stay afloat, but it’s not a guarantee. Additionally, there is the issue of servicing these new inexpensive machines. The prices for annual maintenance contracts will be too high for buyers of affordable equipment. Why pay for maintenance when you can just buy a replacement printer for the same cost?

Resellers might try to offer simplified service contracts at a lower cost to attract business from professional operations. However, this would require a significant increase in customers. Another possibility is that inexpensive 3D printer manufacturers might contract with resellers to provide service in different regions. This would ensure proper service and support for all buyers, but it remains to be seen if this will be the preferred outcome.

The reality is that the 3D printing industry is evolving rapidly, and it’s hard to predict exactly how it will unfold. But one thing is for sure, resellers will need to adapt and find new ways to stay relevant in this changing landscape. Only time will tell what the future holds for them.

So, what are your thoughts on the future of resellers in the 3D printing industry? Let us know in the comments below!

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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