This week’s featured design is the Experimental Disney Robot.


This week’s selection is the adorable prototype robot developed by Disney Research. Disney’s research team in Zurich developed a mind-blowing 3D printed robot that can walk on two legs in the most realistic manner. The device is intended as an experiment to prove out technologies that the company may use in the future on other projects. The robot, which is yet to be named, uses standard components but has a 3D printed structure. What’s most fascinating about this design is the AI tools Disney researchers used to implement the bipedal walking. They were interested in not only making the device walk but also in the style of walking. This is because future Disney projects might involve robots dancing, jumping, prancing, or performing other complex human-like moves. The researchers seem to have nailed it, as can be seen in their short video below. The robot wobbles forward in the most adorable manner while also overcoming a variety of obstacles in different walking scenarios. For example, in one test, they dramatically pull the rug out from under the robot, and it manages to stay on its feet magnificently. They also take the robot to an outdoor woodland area, where it effortlessly walks over obstacles that would likely trip up many people. This design showcases the immense value of 3D printing in experimental design: custom parts can be produced as needed, and it’s safe to assume that the Disney robot went through numerous iterations before reaching its final form. What’s even more fascinating is what this new capability might mean for the future of Disney. Could they potentially replace human actors in their amusement parks with robotic counterparts? Would children enjoy interacting with a robot Mickey? The possibilities are truly exciting. Who knows what else Disney could do with this technology?

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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