This Week’s Featured Read: ‘Pencil Me In’


Pencil Me In: The Business Drawing Book for People Who Can’t Draw [Source: Amazon]

This week’s selection is “Pencil Me In: The Business Drawing Book for People Who Can’t Draw” by Christina Wodtke.

Wait, this publication is all about 3D printing — why would there be a book about drawing recommended?

There is a very, very good reason. In 3D printing one must always have a 3D model. 3D models are created with CAD software. But before the CAD tool is fired up, one has to have a conception of the design in mind.

What’s the origin of the initial idea?

Only the most basic projects can be completed directly in CAD; more often than not, individuals require to iterate through sketches to clearly define what they envision to design. This “analog” repetition occurs prior to finalizing the concept digitally in CAD.

In simpler terms, you roughly sketch the design on paper or its digital equivalent before constructing a 3D model. This is a step I personally take each time I need to make a 3D model.

Though I have a vague idea of what I want, it’s essential to first sketch it out, as there might be design issues that aren’t immediately apparent. Seeing it sketched out makes the CAD part significantly easier.

However, some people just can’t draw, and that can be a problem. This book is focused on the idea of increasing you sketching ability through a variety of techniques.

By reading through this book and trying the examples, your drawing skills will be greatly enhanced, as well as your confidence in drawing. Where you might have not bothered drawing before and suffered through initial iterations in complex CAD tools, you would now simplify your CAD experience by crystallizing your design concept.

Anyone designing 3D models would be well served by the material in this book.

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Via Amazon

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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