To expedite the production of thermoforming molds, Icon Technologies has acquired the 3D Systems EXT 1270 Titan Pellet 3D printer.


Title: Revolutionizing Manufacturing: Icon Technologies Embraces 3D Printing

Date: October 23, 2023

Today, we are thrilled to announce that Icon Technologies Limited, a renowned thermoforming and rotational moulding company, has made a game-changing investment in the world of 3D printing. The company, headquartered in Winkler, Manitoba, Canada, has recently acquired the highly innovative EXT 1270 Titan Pellet 3D printer from 3D Systems. This remarkable addition to their manufacturing floor promises to enhance productivity, reduce costs, and revolutionize the production of large thermoforming moulds.

Icon Technologies has established its expertise in delivering custom thermoformed solutions to OEM customers across various industries, including recreational vehicles, building products, and HVAC systems. With the EXT 1270 Titan Pellet 3D printer, the company aims to maximize productivity and meet the growing demands of its diverse client base.

John Loewen, Founder and CEO of Icon Technologies, explains the significance of this investment: “With the breadth of industries we serve, and the large moulds we produce, it’s imperative that we maximize our productivity. 3D Systems’ EXT Titan Pellet 3D printer is the best solution to help us provide high-quality products to our customers. The combination of build volume, industrial engineering, economical feedstocks, and the heated chamber along with materials that have been validated for thermoforming applications stand out above other large format printers.”

Loewen’s confidence in the EXT Titan Pellet 3D printer stems from his personal experience visiting the 3D Systems manufacturing facility, where he witnessed the application engineering team’s expertise and the attention to detail throughout the manufacturing line. This firsthand experience, coupled with the printer’s impressive capabilities, reinforced his conviction that this investment would not only enhance Icon Technologies’ services but also contribute to their customers’ business growth.

The EXT 1270 Titan Pellet System is a cutting-edge industrial 3D printing solution that harnesses the advantages of low-cost thermoplastic pellet feedstocks. With a print volume of up to 1270 x 1270 x 1829 mm, the system surpasses other available options in terms of size and precision. Additionally, the 3D printed moulds generated by this technology offer significant cost savings and a remarkable reduction in lead time compared to traditional machined metal or cast ceramic alternatives.

Brand Mount, Global Director, Business Development – Titan, 3D Systems, commends Icon Technologies’ commitment to innovation and the positive impact it will have on their customers: “Icon has long-standing customer relationships and is highly regarded for delivering high-quality moulds. As the first manufacturer in Canada to add an EXT 1270 Titan Pellet 3D printer to their manufacturing workflow, they are demonstrating their commitment to continuous innovation, while also paving the way for their customers to transform their business.”

This bold investment aligns with Icon Technologies’ vision to remain at the forefront of their industry. By embracing the advancements of 3D printing technology, they assure their customers of cost-effective solutions that boast exceptional performance. The incorporation of composite materials, such as glass-filled polycarbonate, further solidifies the quality and durability of the printed moulds.

We are excited to witness the growth and success of Icon Technologies as they optimize the exceptional benefits of the EXT 1270 Titan Pellet 3D printer. This transformative step is poised to shape the future of manufacturing, inspiring businesses worldwide to explore the possibilities of additive manufacturing.

Join the conversation on the TCT Additive Manufacturing Network and stay updated on the latest innovations in the realm of 3D printing. Don’t forget to grab your FREE print subscription to TCT Magazine and mark your calendar for TCT 3Sixty, the UK’s definitive and most influential 3D printing and additive manufacturing event.

This story was written by Oliver Johnson on October 23, 2023, at 15:47.

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