Trumpf’s latest update to metal 3D printing includes a square build plate and other enhancements, making it even cooler to be square.


Trumpf, a well-known family-owned machine tool company, is making waves in the industrial laser sector with its increasing focus on 3D printing. The company has recently made updates to its TruPrint 2000 machine, aligning it with the needs of mass production. One of the notable changes is the switch from circular to square build plates. In addition, the laser power has been increased to 500 watts. These improvements, along with the machine’s dual-laser setup, offer enhanced hatching and productivity, potentially achieving a 36% increase compared to its predecessor.

According to Mirko De Boni, TruPrint 2000 product manager, the machine is now designed for mass production, benefitting users from various industries. The TruPrint 2000 not only boasts high productivity but also precise and high-quality results. Safety is also a top priority, especially in critical areas such as medical technology. The upgraded TruPrint 2000 ensures that patients receive high-quality implants with excellent long-term stability.

The printer features a motorized beam expander, allowing for adjustable spot sizes of either 55 or 80 micrometers. Larger spot sizes are suitable for quicker builds, while smaller diameters optimize part qualities. This dual spot size capability also allows parts to be qualified on the TruPrint 2000 before being produced on other Trumpf machines, such as the TruPrint 1000 and TruPrint 3000, making it a convenient feature for users.

Trumpf’s journey in the additive manufacturing (AM) sector began with simpler systems and has now expanded to offer a comprehensive range of directed energy deposition (DED) and powder bed fusion (PBF) technologies. The company’s recent sales figures, totaling €5.4 billion, indicate a promising trajectory. Factors contributing to this growth include a resurgent U.S. economy, the trend towards friendshoring, robust equipment sales in the electronics market, and increased EUV equipment sales within the same electronics cycle.

Trumpf’s ambition to deepen its involvement in AM is evident in its strategic partnerships. One notable collaboration is with Airbus Helicopters for the industrial-scale production of end-use helicopter components. This collaboration demonstrates Trumpf’s long-term vision of supplying critical high-end components. Although it remains unclear whether Trumpf’s equipment will replace or complement the EOS printers used by Airbus, this achievement is significant in a competitive market.

Trumpf’s financial and operational capacity positions it to become a more prominent player in the 3D printing landscape than it has been previously. The company’s approach, along with other companies like AddUp, demonstrates an emphasis on substantive contributions rather than flashy announcements. As the market continues to mature, it will be interesting to see which companies endure. Challenges and market constraints may lead to attrition or repositioning. Additionally, geopolitical factors may drive a shift towards local companies, resulting in a more diverse market landscape.

While many companies will need to carefully consider their investments in 3D printing based on available resources and future potential, Trumpf has the unique opportunity to aggressively invest and secure a leading role. The question remains: Will Trumpf seize this opportunity or continue to proceed cautiously and incrementally? The future holds much speculation and it is crucial to stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments in the 3D printing industry.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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