Ukrainians are able to live normal lives or rejoin the fight with the assistance of 3D printed prosthetic limbs.


In the midst of the hardships and struggles faced during war, it is often important to find silver linings that can bring hope and positivity to a bleak situation. The Ukrainian people have experienced this firsthand, as they have garnered international support in the face of adversity. Throughout the war, additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, has played a crucial role in aiding various aspects of the war effort, from repairing vehicles and weapons to providing civilian aid and assisting the injured.

However, there is a profound issue that persists in Ukraine due to the protracted war. Approximately 174,000 square kilometers of the Ukrainian countryside are littered with hidden landmines and unexploded ordinance, posing constant danger to both soldiers and civilians. This has resulted in numerous casualties and amputations, creating a greater demand for prosthetic arms and legs to replace those that have been lost in the conflict.

Earlier this year, we highlighted the efforts of a Canadian nonprofit organization called the Victoria Hand Project and their “Hands for Ukraine” project. This initiative sought to raise funds for 3D printing prosthetics in Ukraine. Now, another Canadian organization has stepped forward to support the cause. They have generously donated a set of 3D printers to the Ukrainian aid organization, Unbroken, with the goal of producing prosthetics for injured adults and children in Ukraine.

Unbroken is an organization in Ukraine dedicated to helping wounded individuals regain their mobility through prosthetics, surgery, physical rehabilitation training, and more. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, over five thousand adults and children have lost limbs, making the work of Unbroken even more crucial.

The Canadian Temerty Foundation, founded by Ukrainian-Canadian entrepreneur and philanthropist Jim Temerty, has provided the latest 3D printers to Unbroken. The printers are currently being set up and operated by local staff at the Unbroken site. The inclusion of on-site 3D printers has significantly reduced manufacturing times, allowing the team to produce prosthetics in as little as eight hours, down from the previous three-day timeframe.

“We are just beginning, really. We want to build on their capabilities as the war will require a great increase in prostheses production,” said Dr. Peter Derkach, a Canadian-Ukrainian doctor who assisted with the installation and training.

After successfully 3D printing several prosthetics, some of the recipients participated in a charity race in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. They were met with enthusiastic support from the crowds, and the event, dubbed the “world’s longest marathon,” served as a symbol of hope and pride. The name of the marathon also served as a poignant reminder of the length of time since Russia’s initial invasion of Ukraine in 2014.

Many veterans who received the new prosthetics expressed their gratitude and a desire to continue serving and defending their country. Serhii Yevtushenko, a veteran who participated in the event, shared his experience with his new prosthetic: “I had no problem with my new Canadian leg.”

The efforts to 3D print prosthetic limbs in Ukraine for those affected by the war have provided a lifeline of hope and opportunity. It is an incredible testament to the power of technology and human compassion. By utilizing additive manufacturing, organizations like Unbroken can make a tangible difference in the lives of those impacted by the conflict.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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