Ulendo employs an innovative strategy to achieve high-speed 3D printing by combining hardware and software solutions.


I had a fascinating conversation with Ulendo recently. Ulendo is a startup software company in the 3D print industry. While they may not be well-known yet, we have been following their progress for a few years now. Their main focus is on creating firmware that improves the quality of 3D prints. Unlike other companies, Ulendo does not produce any hardware, but they frequently collaborate with 3D printer manufacturers.

The issue that Ulendo tackles is vibration, which can greatly affect the quality of prints, the geometry of models, and even the reliability of the printing process itself. This problem becomes more pronounced as the speed of printing increases, which is a concern as the demand for faster 3D printers grows. Some manufacturers have already released low-cost 3D printers that can reach speeds up to 600mm/s, which is around five times faster than typical machines. These manufacturers often use Klipper, an open-source firmware that helps reduce vibration at high speeds.

However, Ulendo’s firmware goes beyond vibration compensation. While vibration is a primary concern, there are various types of vibration that impact different parts of the machine. For example, one issue arises with bed-slinger-style 3D printers, where the print surface moves along the Y-axis. As the print rises higher, the print surface itself creates additional vibration and sways back and forth, complicating vibration compensation. Ulendo has shared some of their specialized code with Marlin, another popular 3D printer firmware, to incorporate into recent releases. This move brings Marlin up to par with Klipper in terms of functionality.

However, Ulendo has not shared all of their advanced features with Marlin. This means that manufacturers looking to unlock these features would need to work directly with Ulendo. Some professional manufacturers may require advanced capabilities, such as corner rounding, to meet specific part production requirements. Ulendo’s firmware can help overcome the challenges of high-speed printing in such cases.

Ulendo emphasized that hardware and software are intimately connected when it comes to achieving high speeds in 3D printing. While some manufacturers try to enhance speed by modifying hardware components, this can be cost-prohibitive. Ulendo believes that software can achieve the same results, but it’s crucial to identify the optimal hardware configuration to complement the software. In many instances, hardware limitations hinder high-speed 3D printing.

We also discussed how the rise of high-speed 3D printing is impacting the market. There is now a range of affordable 3D printers that can produce quality models at incredibly fast speeds. In some cases, these low-cost options can rival the results typically achieved with expensive professional equipment. As a result, manufacturers of professional 3D printing equipment are understandably concerned about their market share. Many have already approached Ulendo for assistance in revamping their equipment to compete with the growing demand for affordable high-speed printers.

The next few years will be pivotal for the industry as high-speed capabilities continue to disrupt the market. Interestingly, Ulendo is also exploring solutions for metal 3D printing using the LPBF process. It appears that they are developing a heat distortion solution, which could have significant implications for metal 3D printing.

In conclusion, Ulendo’s firmware addresses the critical issue of vibration in 3D printing, enabling higher print speeds without compromising quality. Their expertise and specialized features set them apart from open-source options like Klipper and Marlin. As the demand for faster, more affordable 3D printers grows, companies that fail to adapt may find themselves losing market share. With Ulendo’s innovative solutions and potential foray into metal 3D printing, they are poised to make a significant impact on the industry.

Title: Unlocking the Secrets of 3D Printing: A Scientific Expedition into Software Solutions


Welcome, dear readers, to a thrilling journey into the intricate world of 3D printing. In this era of technological marvels, it is not surprising to see even the most advanced 3D printers face a myriad of issues. However, today we shall embark on a quest to unveil the potential power of cutting-edge software in resolving these complications.

Chapter 1: Unveiling the Problematic Veil

In the enchanting realm of 3D printing, we are confronted with whispers of distress emanating from our trusty machines. From intricate designs failing to materialize to distorted structures, these hiccups in the printing process dampen the spirits of many enthusiasts. But worry not, for a new hope is on the horizon.

Chapter 2: The Software Saviors

Imagine a world where the conundrums of 3D printing can be unravelled through the magic of software. It turns out that these issues are not as insurmountable as they may seem. By harnessing the power of advanced software, we can breathe new life into our troubled printers.

Chapter 3: The Algorithmic Symphony

Behind the scenes lies a symphony of algorithms, orchestrating harmonious movements to bring our designs to life. By applying intelligent slicing techniques, software can tackle complex geometries with finesse and precision, eliminating structural flaws that once plagued our creations.

Chapter 4: From Layers to Wonders

Peering into the realm of ulendo (journey), we find that the transformative potential of software lies in its ability to address layering challenges. By meticulously adjusting parameters like infill density, speed, and temperature, printers can now produce flawless layers, resulting in stunningly refined prints.

Chapter 5: The Exploration of Material Possibilities

In this eye-opening expedition, we dare to venture beyond the realms of traditional plastics. With advanced software calibration, it becomes possible to seamlessly combine materials of varying properties. From flexible and transparent components to innovative multi-material prints, the boundaries of possibility are shattered.

Chapter 6: Empowering the Future

With our newfound understanding of the vital role played by software, we unlock the door to a future where 3D printers become infinitely more versatile and reliable. Complexity will no longer hinder creativity, as software-driven solutions empower us to materialize our visions with unparalleled ease.


As our expedition reaches its conclusion, it becomes clear that the key to overcoming the hurdles of 3D printing is not a hardware upgrade, but rather, the awakening of the dormant potential in software. By fine-tuning algorithms, refining layering techniques, and exploring the possibilities of materials, we are paving the way to a future where 3D printers evolve beyond mere tools, transforming into awe-inspiring artistic instruments. So, embrace the power of software in this fantastical realm of 3D printing and unlock a world of limitless creativity.

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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