UltraPrint has announced a 12K 3D printer capable of delivering unparalleled speed and quality, with a high resolution.


**Introducing the UltraPrint 12K Ultra-fast 3D Printer: A Revolutionary Breakthrough**

Fort Collins, CO – October 26, 2023 – Today, we are thrilled to announce the much-anticipated release of the UltraPrint 12K Ultra-fast 3D Printer by the innovative team at UltraPrint. This cutting-edge printer is set to revolutionize the world of advanced 3D printing solutions, offering users unprecedented speed and unmatched quality.

The UltraPrint 12K is a game-changer, combining ultra-high 12K resolution with an impressive printing speed that will appeal to both hobbyists and professionals alike. Crafted with user-friendly features such as an auto-resin system and a built-in air purification setup, this printer makes it a breeze for users to create lifelike models effortlessly.

Incredibly, the UltraPrint 12K will soon be available on Kickstarter in mid-November, allowing early supporters to access exclusive deals and discounts. This is an exciting opportunity for anyone interested in exploring the world of 3D printing at its finest.

One of the standout features of the UltraPrint 12K is its large print volume, boasting an impressive size of up to 353 x 198 x 380mm. But it’s not just about size; it’s about the unparalleled attention to detail. With a maximum 12K resolution and an XY precision of 19×24 microns, this printer sets a new industry standard for precision and quality. Users will be able to create models with extraordinary details, crisp edges, and lifelike aesthetics that were previously unimaginable.

Speed is another area where the UltraPrint 12K shines. With print speeds of up to 200mm/h, this printer allows users to bring their visions to life faster than ever before. At UltraPrint, we firmly believe that innovation should never come at the cost of user experience. We understand the importance of precise results without unnecessary wait times, and the UltraPrint 12K is a testament to that commitment.

“We set out to create a printer that would combine unmatched resolution with unparalleled speed,” says Nicholas Huang, the CTO of UltraPrint. “But it didn’t stop there. We wanted to make sure the printer was user-friendly, so we added advanced features like auto bed leveling and integrated post-curing functionality. The UltraPrint 12K is not just a printer; it’s a revolution.”

But what sets the UltraPrint 12K apart from other printers on the market is its intelligence. Smart features like resin auto-fill and auto-pump ensure uninterrupted printing processes. The Auto-feeding System automatically refills the resin tank, while the Resin Auto-pump retrieves leftover resin and returns it to the reservoir after each print, making cleaning easier, safer, and more efficient.

Moreover, the built-in air purification system guarantees a safe working environment by eliminating odors emitted during printing sessions. This is especially important for home users who prioritize safety and efficiency.

Additionally, the UltraPrint 12K includes an integrated post-curing function, eliminating the need for expensive add-on devices. Thanks to a portable ultraviolet light, users can initiate the curing process immediately after printing, resulting in fast, consistent, and reliable curing of models.

For users with specific needs, UltraPrint offers two versions of the printer. The standard version provides 12K resolution and supports a maximum print volume of 218.88*122.88*260mm. For those requiring extra-large applications, the UltraPrint Pro offers 8K resolution and a larger print volume of 353*198*380mm.

The future of 3D printing is here, and it’s time to embrace it. Explore the limitless possibilities of the UltraPrint 12K Ultra-fast 3D Printer today. Visit the UltraPrint website to learn more about this revolutionary technology and take advantage of the exclusive deals and discounts available for early adopters.

Contact Information:

Nicholas Huang


Email: ks@ultraprint.store

Phone: 1-800-829-4933



View source version on accesswire.com: [Link to source article](https://www.accesswire.com/796033/ultraprint-announces-12k-ultra-fast-high-resolution-3d-printer-that-delivers-unmatched-speed-and-quality)

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