Unveiling Recozy’s Process: Designing 3D Printed Objects for Interior Design


Additive manufacturing is becoming more and more prevalent in many different sectors, whether in aerospace, medicine or the food industry. This is mainly due to the benefits it offers in all of them. What makes it special is, above all, its freedom of design. With 3D printing, it is possible to create complex structures efficiently and even more sustainably and with fewer resources than with conventional methods. Indeed, this is what pushed German company Recozy to turn towards the technology, as it focuses primarily on transparency and sustainability in its process of designing furniture and home decor. We spoke with their team to learn more about their technology, their future projects and the use of 3D printing in interior design.

3DN: Can you tell us more about Recozy?

Recozy is a tech-savvy design brand that focuses on resource-efficient production of recyclable furniture, home accessories and lighting and promotes conscious consumption through transparency. Our team consists of seven people in total, made up of enthusiasts from various fields such as technology, design, sustainability and sales. Over the past three years, we have acquired extensive knowledge of additive manufacturing. With this experience, wide-ranging expertise and great enthusiasm for 3D printing, we offer our customers high-quality design objects in the interior and furniture sector. These are not only characterized by their special look and 3D printing, but are also made from predominantly recycled materials.

3DN: How did the idea for Recozy come about?

We began intensively exploring the realm of technology at the end of 2019, with the concept of Recozy emerging from a founder’s basement in early 2021. Leveraging our familial ties, we pursued the furnishing market which excited us due to its production methodology and associated ecological potential. Our ambition was to shape the industry in a green direction, guided by our belief in the promise of additive manufacturing.

What fascinated us about this type of production was its comprehensiveness. 3D printing presents several advantages such as decentralized production, energy and resource optimization, and the concept of open source. Moreover, additive manufacturing unlocks a myriad of application possibilities, enabling us to envision a future where this technology pervades many sectors and becomes ubiquitously accepted.

Choosing to employ additive manufacturing at Recozy was influenced by several factors. To start with, 3D printing provides significant flexibility and customization in the design and production process. Furthermore, it allows each product to possess a distinct design language, characterized by unique shapes, intricate detail, and unique tactile sensation. This production mechanism enables us to cater to the specific needs and desires of our customers in an environmentally friendly manner. The local, energy-efficient, and resource-saving production method was another decisive factor. The promising future of this industry, and the innovation it continues to kindle, which is increasingly gaining acceptance in many fields, is a significant motivator for us.

3DN: Sustainability is a crucial topic for you. How are you specifically tackling this?

We commit to our fundamental ecological philosophy through the use of additive manufacturing, recycling materials, minimizing supply chains and ensuring the longevity of all our products. All of our production is carried out in our own facility located in Lower Saxony and we embrace a circular design approach for every product. During product development, we transcend the linear lifecycle: all aspects, from material choice, production and use, to recycling, are considered in our design process. We view environmentally conscious thinking as a baseline standard that should permeate all areas of life. To support this, we strive towards creating transparency and raising consumer awareness towards their buying choices.

Contrary to common belief, plastic waste should not be considered essentially valueless. The goal should be to produce no new petroleum-based materials, to recycle existing stocks and utilize new types of bio-based plastics. We are also perpetually in search of areas for optimization in our production. Our company and all our products are also carbon-neutral. We counterbalance the emissions that we are currently unable to prevent through selected environmental protection projects.

3DN: What can we look forward to from Recozy in the near future?

Right now, we are gearing up to launch two new production lines for our furniture segments for mass production, with a view to broaden our interior and furniture collections. But our sights are set beyond mere expansion of product range; we are also focusing on contract manufacturing’s rising significance. We have made significant strides in this domain through cross-industry collaborations, gaining valuable experience. We are keen to continue on this trajectory to cater to our client’s unique requirements and provide them with tailored solutions, especially in the interior and furniture realm.

3DN: Any last words for our readers?

We would like to draw attention to the importance of making conscious purchasing decisions. It is advisable to find out about the products before buying and to pay attention to the company behind them. This is the only way to ensure that you only buy products that correspond to your own values. You can find more information on the Recozy website HERE.

What do you think of the work of the Recozy team? Let us know in a comment below or on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter pages! Don’t forget to sign up for our free weekly Newsletter here, the latest 3D printing news straight to your inbox! You can also find all our videos on our YouTube channel.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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