Unveiling the World’s First 3D-Printed Biocomposite Organ Pipes at Helsinki Music Centre


The Helsinki Music Centre has unveiled the world’s first 3D printed biocomposite pipes in its Rieger organ. These pipes, made from Finnish wood-based UPM Formi 3D biocomposite, represent a significant leap in organ manufacturing.

The organ, equipped with an impressive 260 meters of 3D printed sounding pipes and wind lines, is the largest modern organ in a concert hall worldwide. A collaboration between Finland, Spain, and Austria accomplished this. The innovative usage of biocomposite material enables large-scale 3D printing, ensuring a flexible, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly production process.

The distinctive properties of the biocomposite, such as minimal shrinkage, quick cooling, and independence, contribute to the effective creation of detailed organ parts. Apart from its musical prowess, the initiative is in line with sustainability objectives, as 3D printing creates negligible waste, and the wood-based biocomposite is completely recyclable.

In their commitment to using materials responsibly, the Helsinki Music Centre Foundation finds that the inherent acoustic attributes of the biocomposite bring a novel aspect to the making of organs.

The innovative use of 3D-printed biocomposite organ pipes by the Helsinki Music Centre establishes an impressive model for the field. Centered around sustainability, this musical evolution implies a future wherein musical instruments harmoniously combine craftsmanship and environmental awareness. The inaugural concert, to feature celebrated organist Olivier Latry, assures an unmatched blend of sound and sight on January 1, 2024. Latry also played a part in the design of the organ.

Source: lesprom.com

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