3DPrinting.com reports that a Design Studio has revealed Abyss Wall Tiles created through 3D printing technology.


In a fascinating fusion of mathematics and design, UK-based interior design studio Duffy London has launched its latest addition to the Abyss collection: the Abyss Wall Tile. This new product takes the original Abyss concept and breaks it down into smaller, customizable units, thanks to the implementation of 3D printing technology.

The Abyss Wall Tile is based on a mathematical system called Truchet Tiling, which allows for rotations and pattern variations. Comprising of three individual tiles, this ingenious design enables rotation in three orientations, offering an endless array of unique configurations. Crafted using a combination of plexiglass, recycled plastic, and brushed stainless steel, each tile is lovingly handcrafted in Duffy London’s East London studio.

But what sets these tiles apart is not just their striking aesthetics and versatility. It is their innovative use of 3D printing for intricate detailing and pattern customization that truly makes them stand out. Traditional manufacturing methods often face limitations in achieving the level of detail and customization that 3D printing effortlessly offers. Additionally, this adoption of 3D printing makes the manufacturing process more efficient and cost-effective, potentially reducing lead times for custom designs.

The Abyss Wall Tile collection also offers a range of finish options, including brushed stainless steel and mirror-polished gold. This modular approach not only allows for aesthetic flexibility but also ensures that these tiles can be scaled to fit different dimensions of spaces, making them suitable for any interior design project.

If you’re intrigued by the Abyss Wall Tile collection and want to learn more, you can visit Duffy London’s website for further information.

At Duffy London, we’re always excited to push the boundaries of design and manufacturing. We believe that the marriage of mathematics and 3D printing opens up a world of possibilities, allowing us to create truly unique and customizable pieces. We invite you to share your thoughts and opinions on our latest collection on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages. Don’t forget to sign up for our weekly additive manufacturing newsletter to stay up to date with all the latest stories, delivered right to your inbox.

Source: design-milk.com

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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