A bill being proposed in New York would mandate a background check for 3D printers, similar to those required for firearms.


Welcome to the Future: Background Checks for 3D Printers?

Close your eyes and imagine a future where you want to buy a 3D printer, but first, you have to submit yourself to a criminal background check. Sounds like something straight out of a dystopian novel, right? Well, believe it or not, a bill recently proposed in the New York State Assembly could make this future a reality. The bill, known as A8132, aims to require sellers to perform background checks on individuals looking to purchase 3D printers capable of creating firearms or their components.

While this may seem like an extreme measure, it is a response to the growing concern over the rise of “ghost guns.” These homemade weapons, lacking any serial numbers, are virtually untraceable by law enforcement. Ghost guns can be created by purchasing kits or parts online without the need for a background check, or by manufacturing them using 3D printers or CNC machines.

According to NY Assembly member Jenifer Rajkumar, who sponsored the bill, the prevalence of three-dimensional printed guns is increasing each year. In 2019, 100 of these weapons were confiscated in New York City alone. By 2022, that number had skyrocketed to 637. Clearly, this is a concerning trend that lawmakers are eager to address.

Rajkumar is not alone in her efforts to crack down on ghost guns. Earlier this year, New York Senator Kristen Gillibrand proposed a bill that would ban the online distribution of files for producing firearms on 3D printers nationwide. The intention behind these legislative actions is clear: to prevent the easy accessibility and unregulated distribution of dangerous weapons.

However, the future of 3D-printed ghost guns remains uncertain. While individual states may impose restrictions, there is currently no federal law that outright bans them. Instead, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives enforces specific regulations on these weapons. Additionally, the constitutional implications of restricting 3D printed guns cannot be ignored.

Notably, in 2018, the State Department allowed the online distribution of 3D printer gun designs following a lawsuit by Cody Wilson, a pioneer in 3D printed guns, on the grounds of the First Amendment. This decision raises important questions about the intersection of firearms and free speech rights.

While lawmakers grapple with the complexities of regulating 3D printed guns, it’s important to acknowledge the various groups involved in this debate. Criminals are not the only ones utilizing these weapons; revolutionaries fighting against oppressive regimes have also embraced 3D printed guns as a means of resistance. Furthermore, there is a thriving online community of 3D printer gun enthusiasts who proudly showcase their DIY creations, including unique combinations such as the “Glong,” a Glock and bong combo. Needless to say, these developments are a cause for concern for law enforcement agencies.

As we ponder the future of 3D printed guns, it’s essential to keep in mind the potential consequences of any legislative action taken. Protecting public safety is undoubtedly important, but we must also consider the balance between individual rights and state regulations. Until a consensus is reached, the Pandora’s Box of 3D printed guns remains open, challenging lawmakers to find a solution that upholds both the First and Second Amendments.

Whether or not you find yourself in favor of background checks for 3D printers, it’s clear that this issue will continue to shape the way we perceive technological advancements and their impact on society. The future is uncertain, but one thing is for sure – we are living in a time where the boundaries between virtual and physical realities are becoming increasingly blurred, highlighting the need for careful consideration of the implications of our actions.

If you’re interested in learning more about ghost guns and the ongoing debate surrounding them, be sure to watch the video linked in this article. It provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of 3D-printed assault rifles and handguns.

Share your thoughts: Do you believe background checks for 3D printers are necessary to curb the rise of ghost guns, or do you see this as an infringement on individual liberties? Let us know in the comments below!

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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