A groundbreaking post-processing technique called CFIP strengthens 3D printed parts by incorporating continuous fibers.


In the world of additive manufacturing, there are four stages that make up the process: design, lamination, printing, and post-processing. While all stages are important, post-processing is crucial as it gives the parts a smooth surface finish and enhances their physical and mechanical properties. This is where a groundbreaking post-processing system known as “Delta” comes into play, developed by the startup Reinforce3D.

Reinforce3D, originally a project within the Eurecat technology center in Catalonia, Spain, caught the attention of BeAble Innvierte Kets Fund (BIKF), Eurecat, and Marc Crescenti in 2022. With their investment, the startup was launched and set out to develop an innovative post-processing solution for the 3D printing industry. Under the leadership of CEO Blanca Garro, Reinforce3D quickly matured its technology and created the Delta industrial solution, which utilizes their patented Continuous Fibre Injection Process (CFIP) technology.

The CFIP technology used in the Delta machine is a game-changer in the additive manufacturing industry. Unlike traditional 3D printing methods that strengthen parts during the manufacturing process, CFIP focuses on enhancing part properties after printing. This is achieved by injecting continuous fibers, such as carbon fibers, into pre-designed tubular cavities in the parts. The fibers are carried by a resin that cures, resulting in a reinforced and structurally stronger part.

The use of continuous fibers, as opposed to short fibers, is a significant advantage offered by CFIP. Continuous fibers exponentially improve part performance instead of just incrementally improving it. In addition to carbon fibers, CFIP can also incorporate glass and Aramid fibers, with plans to expand to natural fibers in the future. The versatility of CFIP allows for the integral bonding of different components, creating stronger bonds compared to traditional methods such as adhesives.

One of the key advantages of the Delta machine is that it is compatible with a wide range of additive manufacturing methods and materials. It can be used with production-focused 3D printing technologies like HP’s Multi Jet Fusion, which utilize thermoplastic polymers. This compatibility allows users to achieve optimal results without the need for more expensive materials. Furthermore, the Delta machine can be applied to various materials, including plastics, metals, and ceramics.

Another noteworthy feature of the Delta machine is its ability to create hollow parts that are reinforced with continuous fibers. This significantly reduces the amount of material used while maintaining the same rigidity. The CFIP machine is also user-friendly, featuring a graphical user interface on a touch screen, making it easy to operate.

Reinforce3D’s Delta machine, with its CFIP technology, is set to revolutionize the post-processing stage of additive manufacturing. Its ability to reinforce 3D printed parts and enhance their mechanical properties opens up new possibilities and applications across industries. By presenting the Delta machine at Formnext 2023 in Frankfurt, Reinforce3D aims to change the post-treatment landscape as we know it. The future looks promising for this innovative solution, and it will be exciting to see how it shapes the additive manufacturing industry moving forward.

Reinforce3D, a leading additive manufacturing company, is set to revolutionize the industry with its innovative CFIP technology. This groundbreaking technology is expected to bring significant improvements to 3D printed parts, making it a game-changer in industrial-scale 3D printing.

One of the key advantages of CFIP technology is its compact size, which makes it perfect for use in laboratories and workshops. Unlike traditional 3D printers, the Delta machine can coexist with other equipment, allowing for a more efficient production workflow. This compact size also makes it easier to integrate with automation and robotics systems, making it Industry 4.0 ready.

Reinforce3D is set to launch the Delta machine in 2024, but we already have a preview of its main features and the results it can deliver. With the Delta machine, users will have the opportunity to offer advanced properties to their final 3D printed parts. This opens up a world of possibilities for industries looking to enhance the performance and versatility of their products.

In addition to the Delta machine, Reinforce3D also offers a comprehensive consulting service for companies interested in adopting CFIP technology. This service covers various areas including topological optimization, 3D printing process, injection molding, testing, and cost estimation. Companies can rely on Reinforce3D’s expertise to navigate the complexities of incorporating CFIP technology into their production processes.

If you want to learn more about the Delta solution or request the consulting service, visit Reinforce3D’s website. They also have a newsletter and social media platforms where you can join the conversation and stay up-to-date with the latest 3D printing news.

Reinforce3D and its CFIP technology are poised to make a significant impact on the additive manufacturing industry. Its ability to improve the performance of 3D printed parts, its versatility in terms of materials, and its potential in various industries make it a promising technology for the future. We are excited to see how Reinforce3D continues to innovate and shape the future of industrial-scale 3D printing. Let us know your thoughts on Reinforce3D and CFIP technology in the comments or on our social media pages. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter for the latest news delivered straight to your inbox. And check out our YouTube channel for more videos showcasing our technology.

– Photo Credits: Reinforce3D

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