On October 22, 2023, a collection of webinars and events will be held to discuss 3D printing.


Hello, fellow 3D printing enthusiasts! We have an exciting week ahead filled with events and webinars that you don’t want to miss. From exploring the world of digital twins to discovering the wonders of post-processing, there’s something for everyone. So, grab a cup of coffee and read on for all the juicy details!

First up, our very own Executive Editor Joris Peels will be hosting a news livestream called 3D Printing News Unpeeled. Every week, Peels will share the most important and interesting stories from the 3D printing industry in just 20 minutes or less. It’s a quick and convenient way to stay updated on the latest news. Be sure to catch him on LinkedIn Live at 9:30 am EST!

Next, let’s talk about the Experience Stratasys Tour. Stratasys is taking their mobile showroom across the United States, giving educators, designers, and manufacturers a chance to see their latest materials, 3D printers, and solutions up close. The tour kicks off in North Carolina this week, making stops at various locations. Don’t miss the opportunity to speak with 3D printing experts and discover how Stratasys can benefit your organization. Register for the tour here and stay tuned for more dates and locations in the future.

If you’re in Rosemont, Illinois, from October 24-26, make sure to check out The Quality Show. This biennial tradeshow connects process improvement vendors with quality manufacturing professionals in several key markets. You’ll have the chance to learn about the latest innovations in manufacturing processes through networking opportunities, live demos, exhibit hall tours, and educational sessions. Register for The Quality Show here and get ready to improve the quality of your manufacturing planning.

Heading to Greenville, South Carolina? Don’t miss SOUTHTEC, a part of the four-event Manufacturing Technology Series. Produced by SME and AMT, and powered by CESMII, this event brings together decision-makers, technology suppliers, and thought leaders from various manufacturing disciplines. From keynote presentations and panels to workshops and showcases, SOUTHTEC offers a comprehensive three-day experience. Register for SOUTHTEC here and get ready to explore the future of manufacturing.

Last but not least, we have a webinar by 3D Systems on October 24th at 9 am EST. In this webinar, sponsored by SPE, you’ll learn how to reduce costs and lead times for large thermoforming molds with EXT Titan Pellet 3D Printers. Discover how pellet extrusion 3D printing can revolutionize your mold production and improve overall performance. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain a competitive edge. Join the webinar here and take your manufacturing to the next level.

There you have it, folks! A week filled with 3D printing adventures awaits you. Whether it’s attending events, participating in webinars, or exploring the latest innovations, there’s plenty to do. So, mark your calendars and get ready for an exciting week ahead in the 3D printing industry!

Don’t miss out on these exciting events happening in the 3D printing and bioprinting industry!

First up, Materialise is hosting a webinar on October 24th at 10 am EST titled “How Carmat Uses Digital Twins to Assess the Anatomical Fit of Their Total Artificial Heart Device.” Carmat, a medical device company, has developed a revolutionary total artificial heart for patients with severe heart failure. During the webinar, attendees will learn how Carmat uses a patient’s digital twin to evaluate their anatomical compatibility with the device, leading to more successful treatment. This webinar will shed light on the rising use of digital twins in healthcare and their impact on personalized treatment for patients. Register for the webinar here.

Also on October 24th at 10 am EST, PostProcess Technologies will be holding a webinar called “Automated PolyJet Post-Processing.” This webinar will showcase the company’s automated PolyJet support removal solutions and provide a demonstration of how software, hardware, and chemistry work together to achieve outstanding end part results. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in real-time Q&A with PostProcess Technologies’ engineering experts. Register for the webinar here.

For those interested in the oil and gas industry, don’t miss the latest episode of the 3D Talk Show presented by 3YOURMIND, titled “What’s the Big Deal With AM in Oil & Gas?” On October 24th at 11 am EST, three industry experts will discuss the growing use of additive manufacturing (AM) in the oil and gas industry, real-world AM applications and case studies, and how to manage digital inventory to ensure on-demand readiness. Register for the episode here.

If you’re in the UK, CDG 3D TECH is hosting Open Days at its Derby headquarters on October 25th and 26th. These Open Days will feature informative presentations on 3D technology products such as 3D printers, scanners, and new materials. After a Q&A session, attendees will be treated to a complimentary buffet lunch and live demonstrations of various 3D printers, post-processing equipment, 3D scanners, and software. You’ll also have the chance to examine and interact with 3D printed sample parts. This event is free to attend, so register now to secure your spot!.

Lastly, CELLINK is hosting its fifth bioprinting Partnership Conference in Portsmouth, UK from October 25th to 27th. This conference brings together life science and bioprinting experts, key opinion leaders, and scientists for two days of scientific sessions, breakthrough showcases, demonstrations of top bioprinters, networking opportunities, and more. Learn about the current uses of bioprinting technologies, explore new trends and solutions, and build partnerships for future research projects. Register for the CELLINK Partnership Conference here.

Whether you’re interested in the latest developments in medical devices, cutting-edge post-processing techniques, additive manufacturing in the oil and gas industry, 3D technology products, or bioprinting, these events offer valuable insights and networking opportunities. Don’t miss out on the chance to expand your knowledge and connect with industry leaders! Register for the webinars and conferences today.

Exciting Engineering Event in Scotland: Unlocking the Potential of 3D Printing

Are you ready for a groundbreaking event in the world of engineering? The 3D Printing Scotland Event is just around the corner, and it promises to be an incredible experience for all attendees. This event celebrates the limitless possibilities offered by 3D printing technology and showcases its transformative power in disrupting traditional manufacturing processes, driving innovation, and unlocking new business opportunities.

During the event, you will have the opportunity to gain insights from expert speakers through engaging panels, sessions, and workshops. These sessions will provide valuable knowledge and inspiration for harnessing the capabilities of 3D printing and driving progress in your respective industries.

In addition to the 3D Printing Scotland Event, attendees will also have the chance to explore a variety of co-located events, including the Scotland Renewable Energy Event, the Scotland Automation & Robotics Event, the Scotland High-Tech Manufacturing & Precision Engineering Event, the Scotland IoT & Industry 4.0 Event, and more. The combination of these events creates a unique platform for collaboration, learning, and inspiration.

But that’s not all! If you’re in Massachusetts, BigRep invites you to their Large Format AM Open House at their headquarters. This one-day event will give you hands-on experience with their portfolio of solutions for large-scale additive manufacturing. You’ll have the opportunity to see their large-format 3D printers, like the BigRep PRO and BigRep STUDIO, in action. Their team members will be available to answer all your questions and provide live demonstrations. This event is a must-attend for those interested in integrating large-format AM into their workflows, particularly in industries like automotive and aerospace.

Materialise is also hosting a webinar titled “Mastering Surgical Guide Design: Creating Excellence with the Mimics Innovation Suite.” This webinar, scheduled for October 25th, will provide a deeper understanding of creating surgical guides with improved control, efficiency, and precision using the Mimics Innovation Suite software. The webinar will reshape your approach to guide creation and help you streamline your workflow, reducing errors along the way.

SME, as part of their Manufacturing Month activities, is organizing a virtual event called “Shop Talk: Breaking the Stereotype: Exploring the Contributions of Women in Industry.” This event, held on Microsoft Teams, aims to discover strategies and skills for breaking barriers and advancing into leadership roles in manufacturing. It will also explore initiatives and practices for promoting diversity and inclusion in the industry. This empowering talk will challenge stereotypes and celebrate the outstanding contributions of women in manufacturing.

The Additive Manufacturing Coalition is hosting a virtual forum on Workforce Solutions. This forum, taking place on October 25th, will bring together panelists from various backgrounds to discuss how to address workforce challenges in the additive manufacturing industry. They will explore strategies for education, skills development, and talent acquisition. This forum is a great opportunity to gain valuable insights and perspectives on the future of workforce solutions in additive manufacturing.

Finally, TCT Magazine and Malvern Panalytical are collaborating to bring you a free webinar about the “Application of morphological group classifications to interpret, evaluate, and predict the performance of metal powders in the laser powder bed fusion process.” This webinar, scheduled for October 26th, will provide a comprehensive understanding of how morphological group classifications can be used to predict powder flowability and processability in the laser powder bed fusion process. It’s a must-attend for anyone interested in the latest advancements in metal powder characterization.

So mark your calendars and register for these remarkable events. Whether you’re passionate about 3D printing, surgical guide design, workforce solutions, or metal powder characterization, there’s an event tailored for you. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to gain valuable insights, connect with industry experts, and be at the forefront of innovation in engineering.

Looking for some virtual events to attend this week? We’ve got you covered with a variety of webinars and conferences happening on October 26th. From 3D printing advancements to healthcare technology, there’s something for everyone.

First up, Malvern Panalytical’s Imaging expert Jenny Burt will be hosting a webinar on the Morphologi 4 system. This system disperses, images, and analyzes particles to give detailed size and shape information. In the second part of the webinar, Ehsan Rahimi from the Materials Processing Institute will show how these parameters can be used to predict powder flowability and evaluate performance in the laser powder bed fusion process.

If you’re interested in boosting your designs, Hawk Ridge Systems is hosting the Design to Manufacturing (D2M) virtual conference. With 12 breakout sessions covering topics like additive manufacturing and simulation, you’ll gain insider tips and tricks from industry experts. Plus, you’ll have the chance to win big prizes just by attending.

For those interested in 3D printing applications in the healthcare field, the 3DHEALS Zoom panel discussion is a must-attend. Moderated by Dr. Jenny Chen, this discussion will focus on 3D Printed Prosthetics and Orthotics, covering topics such as academic research, clinical applications, and commercialization. Stay updated on the latest advancements in this transformative field.

Nanoscribe is hosting a webinar on aligned 3D printing on photonic chips. With a focus on efficient microoptics for photonics packaging and quantum technology, attendees will learn about the complete printing workflow and real-world applications. Discover how aligned 3D printing drives innovations in communication and light detection systems.

Lastly, Stratasys is hosting its Experience Stratasys tour and holding Stratafest events focused on 3D printing and Industry 4.0. This Thursday’s event will be held at Lyon Air Museum in Santa Ana, California. Attendees will learn how additive manufacturing can solve manufacturing challenges and have the opportunity to speak with experts in the field.

No matter your interests, there’s a virtual event happening on October 26th that can expand your knowledge and inspire new ideas. Don’t miss out on these opportunities, and be sure to register for the events that interest you. Stay connected and stay ahead of the curve in your industry.

Title: Choosing Between Virtual and Live Events: Shaping the Future of Webinars


With the rapid advancements in technology, businesses and individuals alike have embraced the digital frontier, bringing about a significant shift in the way events are conducted. Rather than being confined to physical venues, webinars and virtual events offer a convenient and accessible method of knowledge-sharing and networking. Today, we delve into the realm of the 3D printing industry, exploring the merits of both virtual and live events while ensuring you stay informed about industry news and exciting offers from third party vendors. Join us as we navigate through the future of webinars!

Part 1: The Rise of Digital Gatherings

In recent years, technological progress has paved the way for virtual events to become increasingly prevalent, transforming the traditional conference scene. Webinars, a popular form of virtual events, have gained immense popularity due to their inherent convenience and accessibility. By eliminating the need to travel and reducing associated costs, webinars afford attendees the luxury of participating from the comfort of their own homes or offices. Moreover, these digital gatherings allow participants to join regardless of geographical barriers. From introductory sessions to highly specialized workshops, virtual events are redefining the way we connect and learn, even in the realm of the 3D printing industry.

Part 2: The Power of Live Events

While virtual events offer undeniable benefits, the allure of live events remains strong for several reasons. The tangible experience of being physically present at a conference, trade show, or seminar can evoke a unique sense of immersion and engagement. The opportunity to network face-to-face with industry professionals, exhibitors, and like-minded individuals fosters invaluable connections that can propel personal and business growth. Additionally, live events often feature interactive workshops, demonstrations, and panel discussions that are conducive to hands-on learning and real-time problem-solving. In the case of the ever-evolving 3D printing industry, witnessing cutting-edge technologies firsthand can be an unparalleled experience.

Part 3: Striking the Perfect Balance

As we navigate this dynamic landscape, it is crucial to strike a balance between virtual and live events. Recognizing the undeniable advantages of each format, organizers can strive to create a hybrid approach, combining the best of both worlds. By incorporating elements such as live-streaming, interactive virtual networking, and online resource libraries, the potential for inclusive and impactful experiences becomes boundless. Adopting this hybrid model allows individuals and companies to cater to diverse preferences, catering to those who value convenience and those who seek the tangible connections derived from in-person interactions.


In conclusion, the future of webinars and events in the 3D printing industry is set to continue evolving, with both virtual and live formats playing vital roles. The rise of virtual events has brought unparalleled convenience and access to knowledge, while live events thrive on the power of physical presence and immersive experiences. By embracing a hybrid approach, we can bridge the gap between convenience and connection, ensuring that all participants stay up-to-date with the latest industry news and avail exciting offers from third-party vendors. The changing landscape of webinars invites us to embrace new possibilities, adapt to ever-changing circumstances, and embark on an exciting journey of knowledge and growth.

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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Meet the mastermind behind NozzleNerds.com: GCode-Guru, a 3D printing wizard whose filament collection rivals their sock drawer. Here to demystify 3D tech with a mix of expert advice, epic fails, and espresso-fueled rants. If you've ever wondered how to print your way out of a paper bag (or into a new coffee cup), you're in the right place. Dive into the world of 3D printing with us—where the only thing more abundant than our prints is our sarcasm.


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