A proposal in New York suggests that individuals purchasing 3D printers undergo background checks.


A New Approach to Tackling Ghost Guns in New York

Recent incidents in New York involving the discovery of ghost guns have prompted lawmakers to take action. Ghost guns, which are made of untraceable components produced by 3D printers, have become a growing concern for law enforcement agencies worldwide. In response, the New York state legislature is considering a bill that would require residents to undergo a criminal background check before purchasing a consumer desktop 3D printer.

Named AB A8132, the bill aims to protect the public from the dangerous trend of ghost guns by implementing stricter regulations. If passed, individuals attempting to purchase a 3D printer capable of fabricating a firearm would be required to undergo a background check. Additionally, the bill would prohibit the sale of such printers to individuals with a criminal background, who are already disqualified from owning firearms.

While the specifics of which 3D printer models would be subject to these regulations have not been defined, the bill broadly defines a 3D printer as a “device capable of producing a three-dimensional object from a digital model.” This encompassing definition ensures that any potential 3D printer falls within the scope of the legislation, at least temporarily.

The emergence of this bill closely follows the discovery of a stash of 3D printed firearms in a New York daycare. This alarming incident has raised serious safety concerns, particularly regarding young children and teenagers who may have access to 3D printed weapon resources online. The New York Police Department has reported a staggering 60% increase in seized ghost guns over the past two years, while nationwide data from the ATF indicates that 20,000 ghost guns have been recovered during criminal investigations.

In response to the growing threat of 3D printed ghost guns, lawmakers in 13 different states, including New York, have already introduced various measures aimed at curbing access to these weapons. Some of these measures include requiring 3D printed weapons to have serial numbers, conducting background checks for component parts, and mandating the reporting of all 3D printed firearms to officials.

As the legislative process unfolds, it is clear that there is a unified stance on the ground against 3D printed weapons. At a recent press conference, NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban declared, “To those who think printing 3D guns is the way of the future: you are wrong.” Law enforcement agencies across the country and around the world are intensifying efforts to combat this practice and are actively seeking new strategies to prevent 3D printed weapons from falling into the wrong hands.

The proposed bill in New York is just one of many attempts to address the issue, and it is likely that further legislation will follow as the focus on 3D printed ghost guns continues to gain momentum. Public opinion on the matter remains divided, with some supporting these measures as a means of enhancing public safety, while others argue that they infringe upon individual rights.

What are your thoughts on the bill that would require 3D printer background checks in New York? Let us know in the comments below or join the discussion on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter pages! Sign up for our free weekly Newsletter here to receive the latest 3D printing news straight to your inbox. Stay updated with all our videos by subscribing to our YouTube channel.

*Cover Photo Credits: Drew Angerer (Getty Images)

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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